Is a pearl a pearl?
Remember with EBI they may list it as having pearl additive but not be a pearl ball. It appears for many it is easy to understand that a ball is pearl or solid, but for others not so much or it may be seen as a negative.
There are many bowling balls out today that the company may say is pearlized that by no means looks it because it doesn't have the color swirl once associated with a pearlized ball. There have been others just the opposite that have the old look of a pearlized ball and are solids.
Some companies are taking a different approach of going off of the bowling balls description VS just saying pearl or solid, or pearl additive ect. So you focus less on the cover and more on the suggested characteristics. This also helps with many that wouldn't think of changing the OOB surface of a pearlized ball which would limit you chances of getting the bowling balls full potential.
So keep that in mind when comparing many of the newer bowling balls.
As far as bowling ball choice, I think you could get more use out of either Vital with medium drill pattern and surface prep to match your condition. The Onyx Vibe is no slouch but wouldn't handle the same amount of oil as either Vital. My only fear is coverstock life on the Vital.
I use very little Ebonite stuff, but recently had a friend with a Vital Sign come to me and ask for help because the ball stopped hooking all together, even after trying some resurface work. Haven't been able ask if having the oil extracted worked out or not.
If your not seeing a heavy oiled shot where your at, the Onyx on a medium or stronger pattern will also work out really well.
Your style may play a big part as well. My preference would be the Onyx because I like the look the ball has given me, and enables me to stay more up the boards longer and have to make smaller adjustments through the course of a night or tournament.
Be good, or be good at it.
Edited by kidlost2000 on 3/11/2011 at 0:20 AM