Also, a side note on pin height. For me, i almost HAVE to have the pin either even with the ring, or higher. If i go with a pin in the palm, i have to use a low weight hole to move the track up a bit, otherwise i hit the thumbhole.
Typically high trackers tend to hit the finger or the thumb with lower pins.
Personally, for my TNV, ill be drilling a variation of the tommy jones layout. Ill go 4.5 P2P, 1.5" from the VAL as opposed to 1" from VAL, & a 75º MB instead of the 90º they use for the TJ layout. This should give a slightly earlier read, as well as a little stronger back end. For me this should work out nicely, i tend to have problems with balls checking up early, or burning a little too much energy b4 the break point. This lowers my carry percentage greatly, & makes me use speed & go up the boards, even when the shot is deeper. When shots get overly deep, my weaker equipment wont recover on the back, & my stronger equipment still wants to roll early.
My TNV is being drilled to try to help me open up the lanes on my dungeon version of a THS. It IS easy, but probably on the VERY hard side of easy. If u can play the shot, u can score all day, if u dont have something to cover the boards but get down the lane, ur dead in the water.
BTW, my house has 15-20 year old wood lanes & uses a 15 year old silver bullet(old pad style) oil machine that doesnt work so great.