There no reason to complain and spend all this time on this subject. The world of bowling will lose people no matter what!! If we keep making bowling balls better and better we will lose the people that used urenthane and plastic. If we stop the ball companies from making better balls we will lose alot of young people that want and expect to average 220. We just need to make sure we keep the next generation of bowling in tune with what the sport is all about. I us to be the same way, worried about all the new balls coming out thinking the more I bought the better my average would get when two guys at my home bowling alley, Keith Butler and Bobby Hoeger JR. took me under thier wing and showed me that bowling is about your steps, the knee, bend, keeping your head steady, sliding, and not about hooking the whole lane and what new ball was coming out. If we could all be like these two gentlemen the sport would be great for the next hundred years. Teach people the basic and then give them the equitment. I remember one night Bobby and I bowl 3 games at Raceway Lanes in Indianapolis and he beat me ever game, but he did it with his 5 year old columbia white dot and I used some new brunswick. That night showed me that its not about equitment its about the fundementals!!!!!