Equipment Boards => Ebonite => Topic started by: tcreevy on April 21, 2004, 06:00:17 AM
I have had several and my favorite is the V2( now V2 Sanded and still the first one out of my bag)and my least favorite was the Apex Intensity? What are yours and why?
My favorite was the MATRIX DOMINATOR and Least favorite V2 Sanded.
Favorite used to be pantera, when the oil was heavier. Now as our lanes are getting to be drier, the savage pearl is moving up.
Least like as got to be the Matrix TPS III, touted to be a heavy oil ball, but didn't move unless i drop to 14 mph..
My favorite (and only) Ebonite ball is the Maxim I use for spares. Great plastic ball.
My least favorite - all the rest.
I don't care for the look of Ebonite. Never thrown any, so I can't say for absolute certain, but I just don't like what I see.
Favorite: V2 Sanded - gotta love the consistent read it give you and it's so versatile!
Least Favorite: The original Omega or anything with Acrylium....yuck!
The only Ebonite ball I ever threw well was the Tidalwave Wipeout Sparkle. I really liked the way that ball rolled. Second favorite would have to be the 8 Ball.
I have not thrown any of the newer stuff so it is hard tro compare.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
The Cherry is the Bomb
but the Nugget is Golden!!!
Now accepting VISA/MC and Discover for your purchases
mumzie: You generally provide an educated outlook and opinion on various topics, so for you to dismiss Ebonite without experiencing the product (the Maxim doesn't count) is surprising.
A few years ago, I too had your thoughts about Ebonite -- had never owned one but I dismissed them anyway. So to settle my opinion one way or another, I bought one.
I started with the Navy Stinger, and found Ebonite offered something not available from anyone else -- a low-end ball that actually hits. Then I bought a Tiger, and found it to be a better Eraser than an Eraser. I've been smitten with the company since.
I've owned probably 15 different Ebonite balls, and they haven't all been perfect. No company has a 100% perfect track record. I can say that because I also throw Track, Columbia, Storm, Lane#1, and Brunswick.
But Ebonite has produced some really good balls over the past few years. To not take a chance and try them out amounts to limiting you horizons.
"You want the truth? -- You can't handle the truth! "
The Magnum 11 (it was orange), the ball Earl Anthony made famous in the late 70's.
Bowling is fun
Favorite= V2 Pearl
Least favorite= Trimax Matix Pearl
When I was throwing Ebonite, my favorite was my Tidal Wave Wipeout. I shot 289 and 769 with it the night I brought it home! My least favorite was the Tombstone. It just didn't do anything for me.
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.
You're thinking of the Magnum 6. The Magnum 11 didn't come out until the early-80's and was some ugly shade of brown.
[Member of Society for Historical Accuracy]
minimum bob-
Sorry, my bad...all I know is that I loved the ball & color. I bought another magnum that was reddish pink, and that was the biggest hooking ball I owned until the Blue Hammer came out.
Are you talking about the Magnum 12...? Kind of a purple color and looks like a giant jawbreaker...? I had one too and I loved that ball. Hooked out of the building, back in the day. I pulled it out a few months ago and tried it out on today's conditions. That thing went so straight that it was actually backing up at the pins...LOL....
Fav:V2 pearl(ooh baby)
Worst: Apex Intensity or Aggression take your pick.
We all can hit the pocket,just carry the damn corners
minimum bob-
Yes, I'm sure it was a Magnum 12...almost purple, kinda magenta-ish. I gave mine to a friend in a couples league, and he still uses it.
The Magnum 11 (it was orange), the ball Earl Anthony made famous in the late 70's.
Drbob - that may have been the magnum 10 (not sure). The magnum 11 is a dark olive-green ball. urethane rubber. I still use one. its drilled for my left hand and stil has some pop on drier lanes.
Edited on 4/23/2004 3:03 AM
Had a few, but haven't added to my Ebonite collection in a while. Still have a Lion, LM Omega, and Blue Omega, the Turbo X, Crush R, my 1st Lion and Tidal Wave have been and gone. Turbo X was one of the more 'dart and dive' balls i had, the Crush/R could 10 pin you to death and the Tidal Wave got booted by all my Track stuff. The Lion i have now is my main leauge ball, my LM and Blue Omegas just returned to the bag( i love the big swinging arc reaction you get from a shiny LM) putting them in order from best to worst makes it
Lion(2nd one)
LM Omega
Lion(1st one)
Tidal Wave
Turbo X(i've had a few worse than that, not a bad ball, just bottom of my Ebonites)
EVERYONE wants some of this!!!
Favorite - V2 Solid or Jungle Green Predator
Least Favorite - Pearl Savage
i really liked the tomahawk hi torque, but as for any other big e ball, every one has been a stinker.
"I only have 3 boards to work with, and they all have arrows on them!!"
FAV: HAs to be the Tiger what a roll and so predictable.
Least: Apex Reflex was awsome at first then just got so unpredictable.
Also so you know i bowl nothing but Ebonite have a Apex Adrenlaine, Predator Jungle, Predator Sparkle, Tidal wave, Tornado Warning, and Gyro 1. Also have a Ebonite 4 ball roller. I know i have a problem but hey!
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!
I can honestly say that I have never liked an ebonite ball before... so I don't have a favorite. Here is a list of the ones I hav owned and disliked:
V2 sanded
Apex Intensity
Apex Agression
TPC Player
Actually, now that I think about it, I did have an original Turbo X that I liked... probably just because it was the first resin ball I ever owned and was a vast improvement over urethane.
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