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Author Topic: What have I been missing?  (Read 1433 times)


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What have I been missing?
« on: June 14, 2004, 12:26:32 AM »
I just got me a TPC warrior last week. I drilled it friday before league and didnt get to practice with it so went in blind with the ball to bowl league. i threw a few warm up shots and was concerned about how strong the ball was finishing, I moved my feet two to the left and my mark 4 to the left to get a later breakpoint. this had me playing 25-12 @ the break on a short top hat pattern. The ball seemed to drive hard through the pins and I knew I was going to like this ball. I punched it off the sheet the first game for a 300 thne continued till the 7th frame before i left a fast 8 then the ball started to get stronger and earlier and I didnt want to move deeper so i tried taken some hand out of it to no avail. I left some flat 10 pins and a 5 pin to finish 246. So I put it away untill I would have more time to figure out its tendecy's. After league we bowled some pot games and I pulled it out again and shot another 300 playing the same shot on a different pair and seemed to have more oil down the lane because of a church league that bowled beside us with a bunch of straight ballers but who knows. So I shot my load the first game again and only shot 230'ish the second game, I put it up again untill I could actualy practice with it. So today for lunch i went to the lanes to practice with some friends and took the warrior with me, This is the good part. first game 258 second game 300 third game 300 so I have shot 4-300 with this ball out of the three times I have used it. I had 30 in a row with it, starting from the 7th frame of the first game. I dont think, ok I know i have never had a pearl ball roll this strong through the pins. It has a lot of torque and realy gets the 6 pin up in the 10's face alot. I had a lot of people asking about the ball and i realy couldnt say to much about it because I just got it, all I could say was I think I might keep it awhile.

Ok so what is the deal with this propeller core. Do any of the other tpc balls roll like this on the back. A buddy of mine(left handed) whome was practicing with us today had the player and that ball looked to be alot more angular off of the dry. So what about the shooter or shooter x/l. The shooter is a solid while the player is a bit confusing. It says same cover as v2 sanded but then it says its pearlized. I thought the v2 sanded was a solid. I realy dont throw ebonite equipment a whole lot so I am curious now on what I have been missing, I have a killer instinct solid/sanded and wonder if it is going to be in the same ball park as the warrior on the back if I polish it a bit or put a sheen finish on it.

Let me know if you have any input to contribute to this topic.



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Re: What have I been missing?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2004, 03:47:38 PM »
I say the only thing you've been missing is throwing this ball before!

And the PERFECT TWINS!  I have them, at MY house!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: What have I been missing?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2004, 03:51:09 PM »
Afte I had a few bad experiences with ebonite and there shells/covers cracking on me I quit them untill now. The only reason I got the ball was to help a guy out on here and give him his first online deal and I was also wanting to try one of these cores for a long while.