YaYa we all no its BS. But I own a Pro Shop in Sac. So i called my Ebonite rep. and he said Bowlers paradise as to pay the same cost as anyone else. But its up to bowlers paradise to sell the ball at what he wants, and if he loses money on it oh well. But where he gets ya is the shipping. I played the game and called to order 3 cases at that price only if i could come down and pic them up. The sales rep said "NO its only and internet price". My response to her was well the shipping across town from them to me was less then 10 mile so why is the shipping still $48. for 2 ball(striking motion & Rubber ball)? She didn't know and then shes aid they are out of stock any how. But then she says that there in store pro shop price was $209.95. No big loss my guess bowlers paradise is trying to stir website traffic..I also know if i have an Elite bowling product problem i have to return it to the same bowlers paradise warehouse. So my shop and other pro shoppes in the area just don't carry Elite products cause it sells online for my wholesale price is... sorry i had to give my 2 sense....
Who Shoots 650 without shooting a duece?