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Author Topic: Who liked the Matrix Series?  (Read 1691 times)


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Who liked the Matrix Series?
« on: August 09, 2004, 04:57:05 AM »
I've thrown Dynasty, Trimax III, and Trimax I.  I've seen a few people CRUSH racks with the conquest, but this seemed to be the most overlooked one.  It sure did hook a ton, much more than Ebonite advertised.  I loved the look and lope of the Maxtrix line.  Did anyone else like these balls?  I'm interested to see what you thought of the other releases and what their strong/weak points were.  A ton of the Blems are going on ebay and if you call up they have more of the earlier ones in the warehouse.
-DJ Marshall
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Re: Who liked the Matrix Series?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2004, 08:27:15 PM »
teammate of mine(former LPBT,WPBA member) crushes racks with a couple of dominators(average ball speed and trying to find NIB ones)

she had both a dynasty and a conquest also, one cracked on her and the other got left at a tournament on accident.  This was before i started bowling with her.

another teammate uses one as a spare ball(highly polished dynasty)

I was given a trimax III with probably less than 5 games on it....what are the charactoristics of this ball....skid flip i think is what i heard
"CHICKS DIG IT!!" -Gheorghe Muresan in a Snickers commerical.
here a part of it:
full version

Edited on 8/9/2004 8:24 PM


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Re: Who liked the Matrix Series?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2004, 08:31:42 PM »
Mine was more of a pearl with strong midlane roll and control on the backend.  Awesome from many different angles.  It didn't finish that hard so I left my fair share of dimes, but I loved rolling it when I was throwing all ebonite from 2002-2003
-DJ Marshall
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Re: Who liked the Matrix Series?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2004, 08:36:13 PM »
Matrix line was great for me. Loved the TrimaxIII, Dynasty and the Conquest. Easy thru the heads with skid/snap backend for me. Never had any use for the Dominator, not enough oil, but a woman in my league lit the place up with hers.
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Re: Who liked the Matrix Series?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2004, 09:14:39 AM »
Still use the Trimax III on med length med oil sport patterns. I was able to light up some huge numbers  with the Dominator if the condition was right. I actually loved it on shorter more oil volume patterns. (P.S.- Still have a NIB one if anyone wants it- house i had used it at changed patterns.) Tried a conquest and like it but overlapped with another ball in my bag so decided not to buy it. Would have like to try the Trimax I or II! Dynasty was a great ball for med shots especially guys with higher axis rotation and tilt. I have fallen prey to loving the V2 line now and maybe even trying one of the Instincts (Pearl) if i do not like the new V2 sweet.


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Re: Who liked the Matrix Series?
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2004, 11:55:33 AM »
I have thrown all of them. My favriot one was the TPS 3. They all rolled nice and I have had great of luck with them.
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Re: Who liked the Matrix Series?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2004, 12:04:33 AM »
Hmm funny how the same ball is works for some and is a dud for others..

The Matrix Dynasty was pretty strong for me..

The Matrix TPS III touted to be for heavy oil didn't really do well.. but sold it to a friend who shoot a 740+ after a week, and several 250 games thereafter, he had less hand and was using it for medium oil.

The Matrix TPS I seems to work well also.  I've seent this being used by a friend, he has been scoring consisitently.