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Author Topic: Who owns an Ice?  (Read 2799 times)


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Who owns an Ice?
« on: March 11, 2006, 12:01:23 PM »
I'm looking for a good dry lane ball suitied for a cranker/power tweener. Mostly for light conditions and the seldom sahara. For these lane conditions right now I'm using a Storm Hit. I really dislike it for it's unpredictability, poor weak reaction and weak carry. Not to mention the driller thought best to place a 5x6 on it, so my next dry lane ball I want to get it 5" with the CG in the stronger position.

This ball (original Ice)looks promising from what I've seen. Good reaction but pretty tame on the backend? I'm not interested in hockey puck core balls like my hit or the Tornado. I want something mellow but not too mellow and versitle. Not something that will hook too much or a ball that only works if you dart it straight down and in. I've also been looking at the RotoGrip Mercury, Storm Hot Rod (if I can still find one), MoRick Sahara and mabey even the Ebonite Puma. Is the Puma much stronger then the Ice?



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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2006, 08:09:40 PM »
The ice ( blue ) would probably be the ball, but also take a look at the Cross Fire. A bit more'mellow' and from what I've seen of it, a pretty good dryer ball.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Edited on 3/11/2006 8:15 PM


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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2006, 08:35:17 PM »
Had same problem so i got a Hammer black urethane ball .Pin 31/4" an 3oz top weight.Works good but still was looking for a little more length in the heads,so I got a Tropical Storm y/g.Got one with the pro pin lable.Pin is 5 1/4" an top weight of 2.4oz.Drilled the bal 51/2 X 5.Pin above my bridge in the middle ,an cg almost in my thumb.I get 5 boards less hook which also happens farther down the lane with a nice little arc.I got good carry with this drilling.Light pocket or flush both carried very well.
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Doug Sterner

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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2006, 11:23:57 PM »
The Ice is a very strong ball compared to what EBo says. The one I have here is drille dpretty strong but it'll hook almost as much as some of my Lane 1 equipment. The carry is not what I am used to but in my opinion the ball is too strong for a dry lane ball.

It's for sale if you are interested. It is on drill #2...will sell for $40 shipped it you want to try it out.

Also have a like new (but currently fully plugged) Dry/R for $45 shipped if interested.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2006, 11:30:01 PM »
I have the turbo X in 16lb used - pin next to an above ring cg under ring - sell it for 25 plus shipping. Great ball on drier patterns!!!


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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2006, 11:43:49 PM »
I have a big handed friend who's revs overtake his speed a patch!

Saw him in our league with the ICE(hot looking ball by the way) and he looked pretty crappy on this extreme wet dry(humungous side bounce at this house)!

Then today I saw him on a wetter wet dry....he looked incredible with it!

It is not weak and it is not early.  It is a strong one of the laters but earlier than a Hit etc.


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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2006, 11:54:32 PM »
I thorw a blue ice as a dry lane ball. The ball is setup with the pin above the bridge and the cg kicked a bit off of the midline. I get a nice controllable reaction and it works good on the dry for me. Depending on your style, you may also want to consider the black ice ( a little stronger on the backend than the blue ice ) or the Fire. I know of one person throwing the black ice and he gets a great look from the ball, it gets throught the heads and mids clean and makes a good move on the backend. The fire typically goes a bit longer than the blue ice and hooks a little less overall. I've seen plenty of people throw the Fire and the reaction is pretty much the same. The blue ice and the Fire were designed to complement one another and from what I see they do just that. I don't think you can go wrong with any of those for the price.
Fran Varin
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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2006, 02:21:05 PM »
I just got an ice 2 weeks ago. After using it, I would say that it is NOT for dry lanes.

 The cover, while pearlized, is still the original trimax cover and it is pretty strong. The core is from the stinger low flare series, but I still manage to get 4-5 inches of flare from it. Pin under ring with cg out right( about 45 degrees)

 After three sets ( 645-747-588 ) I can say this. The first set was on a normal house shot ( for here ). The ball was controllable, but strong. Had to put my feet on 33 and play 15 at the arrows out to about 7 at the break point. Left some fours and some wrap tens. Pretty good.

 Second set, they were a bit slicker ( I think it was a bit of carrydown ), but the ball was much more suited to this. Put my feet on 29 and played over 13 at the arrows out to about 7 at the breakpoint. The harsh backends were toned down and it seemed to carry much better.

 Third set, they were pretty dry ( to me at least ). Had to start out with my feet on 38 and play over 18 at the arrows out to about 10 at the breakpoint. Ball was reading the dry pretty early and I had to make sure and stay frim to get it through the heads cleanly. Ball wanted to check up a bit early and hit the pocket sort of flat. Carry rate was down. Left lots of fours and flat tens

  All in all, a good piece that I will keep and use a lot, just not a dry lane piece, at least not for me. More side turn or axis tilt would probably make quite a difference with this "weaker" core though.
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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2006, 04:49:29 PM »
I have an ice and have used it forever because it doesn't overreact and is not jumpy off the dry. The crossfire i believe is uspposed to be more flippy and the ice lazy in the back.
Dean Richards

NW Bowler Forum
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Edited on 3/12/2006 4:49 PM
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Re: Who owns an Ice?
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2006, 09:43:06 AM »
I own the Orginal Ice (Blue). I have found with this ball when the lanes are dry I have a very hard time getting it back to the pocket. It rolls to early and flatings out. I love using this more when I have carry down and gets a bit more grip the my Orginal Inferno. I use both these balls to play inside on a medium to medium/oily pattern.