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Author Topic: Why do people do it?  (Read 988 times)


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Why do people do it?
« on: March 08, 2007, 11:23:19 PM »
Here lately at my center, I've noticed a phenomena. Here at my center, the One was a popular ball last year. Even the Big One and Infinite one were fairly popular. Then the Angular one comes out. I watch all these guys bowling with it on a THS, and they have to put it it up after the 1st game because the ball is just way too strong for *most* of the players on league here who throw them. Then the TNV comes out. I see these same guys buying it, and they might get 8 frames out of it until they lose thier shot, and their scores go down. Whats the point? Whatever happened to staying straight the first game, and moving in as the lanes demanded?

I'm not knocking these balls. They probably are great for higher speed bowlers or fluffers, but most the people trying to keep it on the lane down have the speed to do it. I'm dumbfounded with it. Doesn't make any sense.

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Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: Why do people do it?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 09:07:38 AM »
Maybe they never had the proper coaching or cannot realize that what they're doing is pretty pointless.
My 06-07 Arsenal:
  • FURY (1500 polished, 4 x 4)

  • Cobalt BOMB Solid (box finish, 4 x 3.5)

  • Power Groove Dry/R (box finish, 5 x 4.5)

  • Red XXXL (box finish, label lev)

  • *Coming Soon* Shift

For Sale:
  • *NIB* 15# Brunswick Inferno (3" pin, 3.9oz top) - $120 shipped

  • *NIB* 15# Columbia 300 EPX T-1 (3" pin, 3.5oz top) - $115 shipped

  • *NIB* 15# Columbia 300 EPX A-1 Ricochet (3" pin, 2.5oz top) - $120 shipped

  • *NIB* 15# Storm Agent (2.5-3" pin, 2.42oz top) - $125 shipped

  • *Like New (Only 1 Game)* 15# Columbia 300 Action (1500 polished, stacked lev) - $65 shipped

  • *Mint (Only 6 Games)* 15# Hammer DOOM (box finish, label lev) - $60 shipped

  • *Like New (Only 1 Game)* 15# Dyno-Thane Vendetta Maxx (box finish, label lev) - $65 shipped