I saw that my supplier had Mission 2.0 X-outs listed for a decent price so I decided to grab a couple. One ball was 15-5 gross, 2-1/2 oz top and a 1-2" pin. The other ball is 15-3, 4 oz top, and a 4-5" pin.
The 1-2" pin ball has the cg on the OPPOSITE side of pin from the mass bias! Also the mass bias is in the Ebonite logo on the "top" of the ball. Now....what the heck am I supposed to do with that? I mean seriously...the MB is 180* from where it is "supposed" to be....13-1/2" away. I suppose I could do a pin under ring and put the cg in the bridge and get the MB on the VAL but it just seems that the ball is going to have some big finger weight in it and very little side.
The other ball has the cg kicked out of line by 2" to the right. That doesn't seem so bad except that the 4 oz of top weight will mandate a HUGE weighthole to remove the excess side created if the pin is anywhere right of the fingers and the MB anywhere right of the strong position.
Why do they release such balls for sale? I would think that the issues created by the drilling difficulty and potential poor ball reaction would far outweigh the benefit of putting a couple greenbacks back in their pockets.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
RotoGrip Star Pro ShopTurbo XTreme Dealer