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Author Topic: Why no info?  (Read 1250 times)

Greg T

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Why no info?
« on: October 27, 2006, 08:00:38 AM »
Why is there no RSX300 info on the website?? The angular is there. Whats up?

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           



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Re: Why no info?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 08:49:51 PM »
they just got released to the distributers should be avail next week
rxs is a weapon i would suggest anyone who is looking for a long candy cane reaction it shocked me how strong this ball really is it out hooks the sr300 by 10 boards and is probably 10 feet longer