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Author Topic: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal  (Read 4314 times)


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Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« on: February 11, 2006, 04:21:19 PM »
if yes then where, if NO then ok. I don't wanna make up spots for them. Either they fit or they don't. This is what i have:

Let's see in my arsenal i have
Hammer Big Deal
Ebonite Overtime(polished)
Tropical Storm (Black/ Red)
Team Storm Blue

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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 03:10:05 AM »
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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 05:32:14 AM »
IMO, only way they need to be in there is IF, you want to buy two new balls and slide them in, or, you want to change balls.

Your line up seem pretty good, I can't see them sliding in without a lot of overlap.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 05:57:59 AM »
Cool thanks AZ,I was thinkin of grabbing a raw doom hammer but becuz my arsenal is pretty cool like u said,  then that i won't be buyin em , cuz i dont need to buy equipment continuously.  
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Edited on 2/12/2006 6:49 AM


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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 06:07:30 AM »
Don't take that wrong, I just don't see a slot, UNLESS....YOU just want a new ball, JMO.

The Doom is a great ball, you can adjust the cover to do a lot of things, so keeping an eye out for a great deal, adjusting the cover to fit where you feel it might do the best , might not be a bad thing. I just don't see that you HAVE to have anything, right now.

Shoot...if I could, I'd have a new ball every 3 months !! But I'm an idiot on new balls.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Edited on 2/12/2006 6:56 AM


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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2006, 06:16:40 AM »
see that's the thing... i don't know what i need and don't need. All the equipment i have is a complete guess. My big deal, i got for my bday that was a guess. I needed something for heavy oil, i saw everyone was getting a hawg, and so i went against the norm and got that(and have been kickin butt with it so far), my overtime,even more of a guess. I bought it for christmas. Everyone was out buyin the one so i said i don't want what everyone has, so i got that(i love that, probably THE BEST BALL i own) and my tropical was a goof and my team storm was cuz i liked the color.

So all in all i know nothing about what i need. I was hopin i could find someone to tell me what i need and don't but i haven't.icould if i wanted to afford to buy new stuff every month but it's pointless, just becuz i work a lot and internet cut the cost of ballz significanlty and my driller only charges me for 15 bucks for grips, drilling, and slug. So that's why i was wondering.
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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2006, 06:35:26 AM »
It seems like the Ones would give you quite a bit of overlap with your Big Deal.  But, if you have alot of games on that ball and need to replace it then, go for it.  If you do buy the Doom, I'd suggest taking the polish off of your Overtime(unless it's way too early without it) so you have a medium solid(arcing reaction) and a a medium polished (flip) to compliment each other.


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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2006, 06:45:22 AM »
Your driller gives you a heck of a deal ! You are very lucky in that respect.

I'm an all Ebonite/Hammer person, not that other companies aren't good, just me. I feel that way I don't have much, if any , overlap in balls.

The two balls I don't have, that are good balls and can be fitted into a lot of places with cover adjustments are the Doom and Over Time. Not saying you need them, but IMO, they can be adjusted easily to fit above or below almost anything in the conditions they were designed.

IMO, one of the best line ups would be:

Hawg Wild


Big One

Having a Doom and an Over Time to adjust and fit the conditions you see most, would be the last ball in each. That said, That's my 'dream line up', if I ever decided just to get new and be foolish.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2006, 06:46:27 AM »
oww ok. the reason we put polish on it was so it would go long and flip. And boy does that ball FLIP HARD. I will make a video after my wrist heals up so you can see. I sometimes get these ball urges like i just saw a Storm Super Sport, I know i don't need it but now i want it. Im like a kid in a candy store, But on a serious not my Big Deal does have a lot of games on it. I let my buddy resurface it. He cleaned it and used a 1000 grit abralon on it, i couldn't find any 600(btw is there a such thing as a 600 grit abralon pad?) so that was that. I hooked all right but not how it used to. I want it to get the POP back into it.
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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2006, 06:51:20 AM »
Believe it or not the Overtime, or mine at least is stronger than The One, i'd bowl anyone with the one to prove it. It has the same amount or close to in backend. My overtime is a monster, and it's not getting weaker ironically its getting stronger, way to strong, im leaving solid 8's now.
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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2006, 06:58:11 AM »
I know what ya mean.  I think most of us here are like big kids when it comes to wanting our toys (bowling balls) whether we need them or not
It sounds like your Overtime is working overtime to cover it's slot and your Big Deal's slot.  You mentioned the Super Sport.  That would actually compliment your other balls really well since your getting good snap with your Overtime.  Get the SuperSport drilled up for medium length and an arcing backend and you'll be set.
What kind of reaction are you getting from your Big Deal now?


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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2006, 07:02:04 AM »
well it's my go long arc hard ball and that's what is does or used to. It goes long revvs up a bit and arcs harder and then it SMASHES pins everywhere. but last week, maybe because i was bowlin with a injured wrist, it seemed to skid past the break point and not arc or snap like it usually does,but i don't understand because my overtime was snappin Way too hard. Solid pocket shot 3 frames in a row solid 8, solid 10, solid 8.
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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2006, 07:22:42 AM »
I don't think most folks realize the Over Time is a VERY strong ball. In a lot of cases, it will out hook several "oil balls". It will not perform as well in heavy oil, but in the med/heavy to med range, from what I have seen, it is a (smaller) hook monster. That said, it has a condition and as long as it's used in that condition, it's more ball than most think.

IMO, it's a sleeper...I have a hard time keeping them in stock, now that some have realized what it can do.

AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2006, 12:14:56 PM »
under what circumstances is that ball the best in bowling?
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Re: Would The One and The Big One fit in my arsenal
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2006, 01:57:50 PM »
dude thats nice but that does not mean it's the best ball. I asked you under what circumstances is that ball the BEST and you give me something that someone said good for them but there are millions throwing different ballz, and from what ive read, the one does not seem to be something i need becuz itll overlap my "Overtime".
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