I have to agree with agroves on this one.
Since we are talking The One OOB...everyone here seems to agree that despite Ebonite's marketing, this ball is NOT a heavy oil monster.
For me on a fresh THS this ball does nothing but skid. However, the backend reaction of this ball does still compensate. But I don't find it surprising that a ball like the Vapor Zone outhooks this ball. The VZ is one heck of a ball.
Keep in mind that those results were on a fresh shot.
When the shot broke down or I have trouble finding lines, this is where The One really shines. Keep in mind, this is still in box finish. With 10 people bowling on a pair playing a similar line, the lane changes real quick, real fast. This is a variable, alongside the fact the house only oils once a day. Most of equipment is WAY to strong for this shot. The One however isn't. This ball is definitely the "go to" ball in terms of getting a good read on the condtion, finding a line, and finding a consistent ball reaction and breakpoint. Of all the Storm, Brunswick, Columbia, Roto-Star, etc (I'm a ball freak), this ball is by far my favorite ball for when I need to go fishing for a line (which happens all the time).
If you look at other posts, there have been TONS of love / hate relationships with this ball. Some love OOB like myself, some make some minor surface changes or re-drills, and unfortunately some have had horrible experiences with this ball. It's no surprise, just like any pairing in life, you need to have a good match in order to work.
So while agroves results may not be consistent chilli911, I don't think it's fair to practically flame agroves' results. Ebonite "may" have made a mistake in terms of the ball's overall hook potential, but they sure don't guarantee that everyone will have the same results with the ball.