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Author Topic: XXcel vs. Big Time Sanded  (Read 1489 times)


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XXcel vs. Big Time Sanded
« on: April 17, 2006, 04:27:26 AM »
Hey Guys! I've got a dilemna (sp?) on my hands. I just recently picked up a NIB XXcel and drilled it up with pin 4 1/2" from PAP below bridge and the MB kicked out past my VAL by a little bit. That's a fairly strong drill in my eyes. However, it does not pick up that early on fresh oil but on second shift after a league it is gold. I've been debating about taking down the cover to about 500-600 grit and see what it does then. But seeing as the great success I've been having with it recently in its OOB condition, I'm not entirely sure what to do.

Here's the deal. For the end of our league I'm getting a Big Time Sanded and myself being low tracker, it probably won't end up being the heavy oiler either. But...taking down the grit as mentioned above would do that I believe. Has anyone had experience with these two balls and which one is the stronger of the two? Specs and numbers say the XXcel is a tad bit stronger but...ya never know with the companies' rating systems.

In a nutshell, which ball would be best suited for heavier oil or longer patterns? Granted having the right drill and surface is a must but overall...

Thanks in advance for any replies.
Only One More Ball I Promise



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Re: XXcel vs. Big Time Sanded
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2006, 07:13:26 PM »
Only One More Ball I Promise


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Re: XXcel vs. Big Time Sanded
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 07:22:12 PM »
I can get a better line with my XXcel than my teammate and his Big Time. Granted, we don't have the same drill and he puts a lot more hook (early) on his ball than I do. Not a lot of help, but if it were me, I'd say the XXcel is a bit stronger in heavy/med oil. True soup, not sure, but then what ball does what it says it will in that heavy of oil ?

Hope this helped.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: XXcel vs. Big Time Sanded
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2006, 07:31:11 PM »
XXCEL is MUCH longer than Big Time Sanded.  Big Time sanded can handle more heavy volume than XXCEL

Bowling Barista

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Re: XXcel vs. Big Time Sanded
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2006, 08:53:22 PM »
I concur with Kingpin. My Xxcel is drilled stacked with pin just above and right of ring. It is awesome on medium-medium light conditions in OOB. I've been contemplating trying out the Big Time Sanded, but went with the XXXCEL, which is said to be really good in soup. I also bought an Xcel particle to find out the difference in reaction. Supposedly it reacts sooner than the Xxcel, and the XXXCEL, but is intended for drier conditions. I may try the Big Time as the local proshop just dropped the price from $169 to $139 to $89. If nothing else, it's a sharp looking ball even if it is in black and white.