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Author Topic: Yet another question about the Mission  (Read 6965 times)


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Yet another question about the Mission
« on: February 19, 2010, 12:47:42 AM »
Okay, I am seriously looking at this ball, but I am wondering about it''s ability to handle oil and carry down.  Being left handed, I run into more carry down on medium to heavy oil conditions and I need some opinions about its'' ability to get through carry down.

I am looking for a medium-heavy to heavy oil ball, but I am not sure this is it since it has a pearl cover.

Paul Saunders
USBC Bronze Level Coach

Edited on 2/19/2010 9:50 AM



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Re: Yet another question about the Mission
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2010, 06:01:29 PM »
Just an update to the topic.  I took the Mission out for a practice session and threw four games with it.  These were synthetic lanes with decent oil, THS (the Brunswick house in Columbia, MD).  I was able to play about five boards deeper with my feet than usual, swinging 15 to 5.  As stated earlier by someone, this ball is unique in that it seems to ignore the heads, just floating through them, then revving up in the mid-lane with a very strong continuous arch to the pocket. While I wasn't really keeping track of the scores, I did manage to shoot 182-185-279-257.  The first two games were me warming up and trying different lines to see what worked.  The last two games I threw it for "real" and had a great look.
Paul Saunders
USBC Bronze Level Coach

Doug Sterner

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Re: Yet another question about the Mission
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2010, 09:04:51 PM »
Well Sir B it is bad enough that I decided to go with the layout that put the pin anywhere near my ring finger much less in know what a purist I am.


As an update...I threw the Mission a couple games tonight on some synthetics that hook quite a bit....oil? didn't see any on my ball at all unless I threw the ball inside of teh 3rd arrow so it probably wasnt the best testing bed but oh well.

The ball again read the midlane like a champ and had a ddefined, strong move on the backend...the only hint of "snap" I saw was when I rolled the ball out to the 5 board with my fingers dead up the back. The ball then bounced off the 5 board and headed for teh pocket with authority.

If we dont get snowed out tomorrow night I will throw it some more then.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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