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Author Topic: Spider Wasp  (Read 10909 times)


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Spider Wasp
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
- Coverstock: E60 Reactive
- Color: Red/Yellow (Actual ball color may vary.)
- Ball Finish: Wet Sand 800
- RG: (16# 2.469) (15# 2.478) (14# 2.498)
- Diff: (16# 0.034) (15# 0.034) (14# 0.032)
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil
- Description: The Spider Wasp quickly subdues a spider. Paralyzing it with its venomous stinger, the spider is then dragged to the nest. A single egg is laid on the abdomen of the spider. Once the Spider Wasp larva hatches it will devour the still-living spider. Spiders beware... the Elite Spider Wasp is here!



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Re: Spider Wasp
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 09:01:08 PM »
My "Wasp" is 15 pounds with a 3-3.5" pin. I drilled it according to Elite Drilling Specs #3 (same as I drill everything). I have a high rev rate and high ball speed and that was the suggest ball layout from the Elite website.

I love this thing. Aggressive even arching motion, medium in length, it works on league patterns and dominates on heavier tournament patterns. This ball seems to recover really well. I find that I can miss my mark by a few boards either direction and still end up close enough to the pocket to not leave a split. If you are going to throw this ball on league night keep the speed up, it likes to hook (I keep it between 17-18 mph on a league pattern).

Elite bowling balls are expensive and I have a few. Some I don't think are worth it, but this one was definitely worth the extra cash.