Alright... my BL arrived last night.. unfortunately due to weather leagues were cancelled and the center was closed.. so I will have to wait until tonight to punch it up and throw it in league.. anyhow.. here are a couple actual photos of the ball:
Pin/cg pin is sort of hard to see, but you can make it out.. center upper half of ball.. cg is the white mark... Mine showed up with a 3" pin to cg and 2 oz top.
The logo is hard to see as well (showed up a little better with the flash)... about as you would expect for a "solid black" ball.
My plans are to polish it up a little and use a black slug... should be a sharp ball (IMO). Hopefully I will be able to comment on the reaction a little more tomorrow...
"The Patriots strength got debacled."
-Emmitt Smith 2/4/08