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Author Topic: Oldies and still smoothies! Yumm Violet 3d offset and Crimson Sledge!  (Read 10421 times)


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Went to a storage bin a few weekends ago.  Found a few cracked AMF and Columbias(drat!).

Also found these old wonderful moneymaking standbys!

Took them to my slightly over wet dry house shot and pulled out.  Like smooth Velvet the Violet 3D offset drilled leverage stacked was smooth and high in the pocket.

The leverage pin down Crimson Sledgehammer with Mass bias on VAL smooth and low in the pocket with it's rememberable crack and taking 10 to the pit style.  Also this ball owns the light shot when the stacked Violet above is too high in the pocket Threatening split.

I had been using my No Mercy Beatn max drill to go deep and loop the house shot and when a little slop downlane it can't be beat.

The violet reminds me of a Roto Cell but allows me to play a little straighter.  If I was to gander I would say that the core on these balls is pretty strong (not in today's balls league), and the coverstock much weaker.  When I compare to my current stuff my AMF Clutch with 55 coverstock is much more reactive than my Violet.  Let's give the Violet a rating near 40 to 45 on the AMF scale.  Maybe like the 900 Global Favorite?

Note these are AMF synthetics I believe and I will verify!

Too smooth, too much hit.  But I'll take it!  Ohh what an arsenal for this house!  Yumm!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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I thought this was a FS thread because that's the section you posted it in lol.

I have a Sledgehammer I need to move the thumb on.  I'm excited to use it.