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Author Topic: 3D Off Set Hammer  (Read 83199 times)


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3D Off Set Hammer
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The original high rev offset with Blazing Violet NEOFLEX Reactive Coverstock with mica. Medium to heavy oil, hook potential: (scale 1-20) 19, backend: (scale 1-15) 11, RG: low, flare potential: 7


David Bennett

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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2001, 04:04:30 PM »
This was the ball that brought me back to FAB in '98. Drilled this one for Nationals in Reno and ended up falling in love with it. I drilled it with 5 inch pin to pap, with 12:00 cg to pin configuration, and cg to pap of approximately 4 inches. The condition I normally bowl is a 7 to 7 box. This ball gets down the lanes very well with a strong backend. Not as violent as my 4D reactive action and much more forgiving. I just heard yesterday that this line is being discontinued so I need to go and order another. Iw ould recommend this ball to anyone and any style. By the way, it was the BTM Ball of the Year in '97.

Rich Thompson

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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2001, 09:09:22 AM »
This one is the easiest review ever since this is the best ball Faball has put out since the original Black Hammer.  I have the Tour Offset, Jackhammer, Sledge and Black 2001 and this ball is still the best.  The cover is very easy to adjust and ball hits great.  Not for the crankers, but it is a must for strokers and tweeners.


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2001, 05:20:28 PM »
This was my first high performace ball when I started my High School League 4 yrs ago. What a ball! I still use it to this day, I rolled my all time high of a 289 with this ball.  It hits like a ton of bricks and can handle a varity of condtions. I would recommend this ball still to people.  I use mine in a medium oil condition but I am not sure of how my ball is laid out.  I dont throw a big hook, I just usally aim for the 1 3 pocket and go from 10 board to 5 and it hooks to the pocket. If you want any more info on the ball  email me at

Jason R Stacy

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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2001, 03:23:00 AM »
Well I've had this ball for a couple of years now and I just love this ball to death.I try to buy a new ball every year to try to help my game in any way possible.I've been usind  my 2001 black hammer but seem not to be finishing like it used to.Maybe its me but the ball seems to have lost some of its hitting power since I got it.So I went back to old faithful(3-d offset)and needless to say the ball came through again!!!!This is a very versitle ball for all types of lane conditions.Ball is drilled with a 3 inch pin located just above and to the right of the ring finger to make the ball slide but not to far then a smooth arching hook on the backend but strong enough to cut through the carry down in later games.Ball is an 11 on a scale of 1-10.Just a great ball for all!!!!!!


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2002, 07:36:17 AM »
I'd won some money with this ball helping.
Last series with it about a year ago in league like 680.

For some crazy reason I mothballed it.  Why??????

Took it yesterday and threw it again.  It hadn't forgot how to strike.

Drilled unlike any of my balls 2 1/2 inch pin out.  Drilled 3 3/8 X 3 3/8.
With a weighthole on my PAP.

This ball just is smooth with a long flowing attack to the pocket.
Rev, Rev, Rev, Rev, Rev, all the way down the lane, and then no bam, but right turn signal, properly 10 feet before the breakpoint, smooth turn, flare all the way to the pocket.  Playing on a broken down used all day by open players and
righty crankers shot.  Lots of head oil still on left but also lots of carrydown.

Left a few 5 pins with my strong revving Revolution ECX.  Went about a board wider with this Violet beauty and went on a striking binge that might have been 42 out of 50!  All the leaves 7 pins or a couple of 10s.

There is no more predictable move with this much hit! I placed the humumgous Demolition Zone(label leverage drilling 3 3/8 X 5) and DZ monster doesn't even give a turn signal, he just snaps over into your lane in traffic.  NOw maybe it's the difference in drilling??

The only other balls I can think of that look like this super readable beauty are the Tour Power(doesn't have near the backend) or the Ebonite Stinger 2 piece sanded) more fling to the pocket at the backend.

I'm resold and it is back in the bag.  I know I have used this ball on near heaviest oil(scuffed) and have also polished it up before and used on medium dry.  Now I've got a lead on a Violet Pearl!  Snagged it!


PS when you get going good with this ball, you feel you can make 1/2 inch adjustments in the pocket, along with its cousin the Crimson Red Sledgehammer.
No wonder the Violet was and is one of the best balls of all time!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2002, 09:16:42 PM »
The ball I'm reviewing is the 3-D Offset Maxxx.
Specs- 16lb. 3oz. top 2 7/8" pin.
Got this one from for a steal NIB. Had it punched up with pin 3 3/8" from PAP, cg under ring finger, HOT spot just left of thumb. Drilled for smooth arc with med. flare.
I'm a tweener with lots of hand, lots of speed, stand 30, throw 10, and this ball does exactly what it's supposed to! Smooth, predictable arc to breakpoint, and continuation through the pindeck with typical Faball results- lots of XXX's.
Can be used in the heaviest of soup, med. conditions, carrydown, anything short of Sahara conditions. Cover is easily tweaked although most varying conditions can be adjusted through hand position and speed. I will usually only move maybe one board over a three game set. This ball has rewarded me in ways no other ball has since my Original Blue Urethane Hammer. I would recommend this to ANYONE looking for a true rolling, hard hitting, reasonably priced ball. Get one if you can find one! One complaint- the color engraving fell out after a few washes. I removed the few remaining letters for a cool "stealth" look!
Rate this one a 9.9 out of 10!


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2002, 08:55:50 PM »
I recently purchased a used twice plugged 3D as an experiment since I have never used Hammer equipment and this was certainly cheap enough on ebay! I brought it to my favorite pro (Bowlers World, Surfside Beach SC) and had it drilled for a bit of length and a smooth arc. Guess what--absolutely the way it works... first game (last game of a set last night)was a 205 (I took a few frames to get used to it.) Then today I used it again and shot 660 with A VERY predictable arc to the pocket. When I sent it outside (10 to around 3) it came ROARING back. When I kept it tighter (10 to 7 or 8) and tamed up my hand, it waited, then made a nice small but definitive move to the pocket with super continuation. Both lines yielded strikes when I was close to the mark. I never had to move the whole set (although I was bowling with two lefties and I am a rightie).

The funny thing is that the pro said he was never very impressed with this era of Faball ball (in fact he said that might be why they went belly up). He implied I probably would not like it and it was good it only cost me around 35 with shipping to buy it!

I'll tell you what... best $35 I ever spent on a ball! Might have to look for a NIB 3D Offset Super Hook!


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2002, 09:23:53 AM »
This part is more of an update of what's below.  The original review below was for 16lb Hi-Rev.  Since then, I have managed to snag another 2 15lb used Hi-Revs and another 15 that's going to Spike2112.

Overall, I still think this is the best ball Faball ever made and it rivals, if not surpasses, anything Ebonite is doing with the current lineup.  I still find myself using this ball first out of bag, or as the go to in the event I didn't start with it.  This is one ball they will probably have to pry from my hands when I die!!  I will be taking this where ever I go!!  

This review could have been for 2 of them since both balls were gotten via eBay.  Excellent prices I might add since one was $45 delivered and the other $37 delivered.  Ball I kept was advertised as a Norm Duke ball used for a block in a tournament.  Received ball and it was in great shape.  Pro shop cleaned it up and drilled leveraged (??) with pin at 3:00 of ring.  It should be drilled with the 3 3/8 setting (forget the wording...maybe 3 3/8 off PAP??).

All the balls I have are drilled relative to the same settings.  I want the ball to move early and hook a ton on the end.  If the lanes are dry, I move myself and/or add speed to the ball to get the desired results.  If not, one of the other 4 Hammers comes out to suit the lanes.

I find this ball to be an awesome ball, plain and simple.  I have a Vicious Reactive as well and this ball replaced that ball as the first out of the bag.  The Vicious is delegated to second or third, depending on how the 3D Maxxx looks.

I have used the ball for 3 weeks now and have averaged 216 for those weeks (638, 685 and 622).  I bowl every other weekend (practice) but don't shoot too much with it since I use the other 4 Hammers to maintain some feel for them.

The ball is a very smooth rolling ball.  In my opinion, the lines are read easily and the ball allows for a lot of adjustment.  That may be my good doing, but I am not too sure.  Adjustments in the hand and ball speed dramatically affect how the ball reacts, but that's the appeal in the ball for me.  It allows me to throw different shots without affecting my line, all depending on the conditions of the lane.

Overall, I give the ball a solid 9.5 since it does everything I ask of it, ranging from the oil to the desert.  Hits the pins solid and when the ball hits light, it's just like any other Hammer I the pins spin.
Forgiveness is Divine.....but revenge is the most satisfying way to resolve the issue!! down the nugget at a time!!

"In the Bowling Alley of Tomorrow, there will even be machines that wear rental shoes and throw the ball for you. Your sole function will be to drink beer." - Dave Barry

As sirhookalot says...."keep hookin it, and stop acting like me....I mean a jag off"


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2002, 08:28:15 AM »
I've been struggling this year, as I'm experimenting with 15 lb. balls due to a wrist problem. Last night, I said hell with that, I'm going to resurface my 3D, and let her rip (it's a 16 lb).
Well, this ball still delivers excellence. It is definitely my all-time favorite resin ball, and it's 6 years old! How much more lineage I can get out of it, I don't know, but I'm going to stick with it until it dies. I can only hope Ebonite brings it back into the picture with their new line of Hammers.


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2002, 08:40:48 AM »
Got this one used from a good friend in Texas. Ball was drilled up what appears to be 4 X 2 with weight hole on PAP. Added inserts and thumb was already plugged just had to move it up about 1/4". Ball looks to have less than 10 games on it; no nicks or scratches at all. Strange for a ball made in 1997.
Picked it up from the pro shop yesterday and began first game with first 9 in a row. The movement on this ball is incredible! More backend than I expected also!
Absolutely the heaviest hitting Hammer I've ever thrown! Very predictable, smooth arcing ball. Used it in league last night on a fresh shot. Easy to string
XXX's once you get "lined-up". I did have problems picking up the 10 pin, but that's not the ball's fault! Will have to get some more games in with this one
(which will be first out of the bag for sure). Will update then.
Rate this one a solid 10!


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2003, 09:55:20 PM »
Now, this is a ball.  Plain and simple.  I got it back in '00 when my pro-shop guy was leaving.  He gave me the 3-d offset, and even drilled it for me.  When i first got it, I could not control it.  The span was a little too big, too.  It is drilled for long and then a sharp break to the pocket.  For some reason, I put it away for almost 9 months!  I was going to even give it away.  I decided to keep it, and now it is my go-to ball for drier conditions and lanes in transition (besides my blade).

10 out of 10.  Nice, big hook, with good length and it is very easy to take care of.


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2003, 12:22:45 PM »
I bought this #16 ball off of ebay with P/O 4". I had it drilled by Denny of the ebonite team and a writer for Bowling monthly magazine. I could not have asked for a better ball.
Denny drilled it with the pin 1" above and 1" right of my ring finger and I get a good banana ark across the 2nd arrow into the pocket.
It's a thing of beauty.


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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2004, 05:52:35 PM »
Does anyone know where I can purchase this ball in 14lbs? I have looked all over the web and can't seem to find it.
If you have one for sale, please email me at
I really want this ball.

Tons of Fun73

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Re: 3D Off Set Hammer
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2005, 04:20:13 PM »
3D Offset Reveiw (1of 2) Polished
Lane Conditions: Medium Oil
Typical Conditions: House Shot
Type of Lane: All Wood
What part of the lane did you play? Second Arrow
Did the ball track out? Normal
Weight of bowling ball: 16
Surface of bowling ball: Polished

Likes: when polished it gives good length and strong backend

Dislikes: skids to much in heavy oil but thats when you take it to the pro-shop and hit it with a scotch brite

when polished it gives good length and strong backend but it skid to far down the lane in heavy oil. in this surface it allows for a more direct and straighter line to be played. polished also allows for you to play deep inside lines when the lanes break down and dry out. one thing you have to do for this ball to work it you force or over-power the ball. you have to be soft and stroke the ball. but then once the lanes breakdown then you can start throwing a little harder. will post another review next week after i try this ball sanded.

"If you can't leave a makable spare, than don't leave any spares at all." by coach Brian Umstead