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Author Topic: 3D Violet Pearl  (Read 51377 times)


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3D Violet Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The 3D Violet Pearl combines the original reactive Neoflex coverstock used with the 1997 Ball of the Year, the 3D Violet Offset, with added Mica and pearlization for more length and flip than its predecessor. The specifications are: Coverstock: Reactive Neoflex Pearl; Core: Triple Density/Offset body; High Torque; Factory Polished, High Gloss; Hook Potential: 18 (overall), 15 (length), 18 (backend); RG Low (2.52); Differential: Medium (.045); Flare Potential: 6"; Hardness: 76-78 D-Durometer; Weights: 13-16 lbs. Color: Violet.


D Scott Johnson

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Re: 3D Violet Pearl
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2000, 07:41:04 PM »
I love Hammer equipment but I cannot really recommend this Pearl 3-D.  For me it was a jeckle/hyde ball.  It would either go forever or it would hook too soon, too much.  I threw it side by side with my Zone Bullet.  While the bullet was very predictable, the Hammer was all over the place.  If I kept the ball in, hit would side forever.  If I moved the ball out, it would roll up way too soon.  If I swung it, it would get back one time and slide by the next.  Needless to say, I was disappointed.  I have tried the ball on several different condition, wood and synthetic, oil - medium - drying, and I have yet to find a condition that I can match up on.

Sorry to say, but this hammer missed the nailhead.

Doug Sterner

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Re: 3D Violet Pearl
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2000, 10:18:16 PM »
Allow me to say that despite me being a big Storm Chaser I have a secret identity as a Hammerhead. I have always like Fabll and will continue as long as they keep producing equipment like this ball.

I drilled mine with a simple drilling for a little more controlled reaction. A simple pin at 1:30 to cg which put the hot near my track.

The ball is very playable on all but the oiliest and driest lanes. On medium oil this ball just flat out kills pins. The reaction is very similar to my Eraser but the ball is much stronger throughout the entire lane. Revs up hard about 30-35 feet, gets into a sweet hard roll and sweeps through the pins with authority.

I liked the original 3-D Violet and really like this one too. Now if we all could convince Faball to wrap a particle shell around this puppy :-)ANnybody out there listening from Faball R&D???
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: 3D Violet Pearl
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2002, 09:11:21 PM »
Just got this one punched out yesterday. Specs on ball are 15lb,
3" pin, 2 7/8 oz top. Went ahead and maxxed this one out with a
12:00 leverage. Don't know if it's actually 3 3/8 X 3 3/8, but
I'm sure it's close enough. I'm a tweener with good speed and
good hand (avg 199). Usual shot is to stand 25 throw 7-10 board
down and in.Used the Pearl tonight on a freshly oiled house shot.
They claim they oil all the way down, but I don't know the exact
length, but anyways it was flooded tonight. The crankers struggled
all night but the tweeners had it made, myself included. Understand
I had it drilled yesterday but I did not get to throw it until
tonight. Shot 188 first game (couple of splits, 4 strikes) 200 even
second game(yes it was a Dutch). 259 third game (8 strikes, 2 single
pin spares) My line only changed one board all night. Finger grips
were a bit tight so getting consistent release was a problem until
the third game. If I hit my mark the ball went long and flipped
right into the pocket and hit hard. Very strong hitting ball when
thrown right. Something I noticed was that although the lanes were
flooded and you could clearly see the tracks of all the other balls
on the rack, I could barely make out the track of my Pearl. Maybe cuz
it's brand new, but I don't think I could tell when I wiped it (which
I do after every throw) if it was picking up any conditioner. Well to
make a long story short, I love this ball. I have to give it a solid
9 out of 10. Will update after I get some more games on this one.
People made fun of it cuz of the color "Hey, cute ball!", but they
weren't laughing much that third game!!('cept my teammates, who said
"Maybe Hammer made a good ball after all!) Course, I had the last laugh!
Pick one of these up if you can find one. You won't be disappointed.


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Re: 3D Violet Pearl
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2002, 09:30:34 AM »
First off, this is not my "first out of bag" ball.  I have a Vicious that is the primary, but when the lanes start to go bad, this is the first ball out of my bag to handle the problem.

The ball is drilled for early roll and a strong backend (leveraged drill??) with the pin 3 3/8 from the PAP.  My shot is determined by the lane.  With this ball, I am almost always throwing from either of the first 2 dots (on left) going over the 15 board or so out to the 5 and back in.  

I don't have any specifics on games and what not, but there have been plenty of times where I have struggled only to bring this ball out and finish a potential bad night of shooting 175 or so with a nice 240 or 250 game to get me back up to a solid 200 average for the evening.

I rate this ball a solid 9 out of 10 because of what it can do in the right hands.  A great ball!!

Forgiveness is Divine.....but revenge is the most satisfying way to resolve the issue!! down the nugget at a time!!

"In the Bowling Alley of Tomorrow, there will even be machines that wear rental shoes and throw the ball for you. Your sole function will be to drink beer." - Dave Barry

As sirhookalot says...."keep hookin it, and stop acting like me....I mean a jag off"


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Re: 3D Violet Pearl
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2002, 06:52:44 AM »
Just punched up this used baby yesterday.

Thought I would get a longer version of  the super Violet 3D offset Solid.

Boy was I wrong so far.

Solid drilled 3 3/8 X 3 3/8 stacked with a weighthole on pap.
This pearl monster drilled 4 X 4 1/2 stacked.  No weight hole and legally max sideweight after drilling.

As it is this ball is longer and let's say extremely energetic.
Bowling on a freshly oiled league shot this ball was a little too skiddy but extremely frisky and lively in the back.  Tons of kicked out 7 pins.  The solid right next to it was smooth even and large and flush.

As I continued to bowl the shot transitioned in to what I was looking for.
A little less head oil and so now the push I wanted should be perfect.
WRONG so far.  Lots of push and then at the first sense of dry in the back. Right turn.  The solid though now deeper continued to smoothly round the corner and continue flush.  

Now I was not throwing quite my normal speed as the fit wasn't quite to my liking but I'm going to go back get fit right and if the backend continues to be so overly dramatic I think we'll place a weighthole right in the old PAP to reduce reaction just a little bit!

I'll retest and give an update.


PS I want my smooth solid with a longer skid point out of this ball.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana