Hello, I am back again (with my Blue Hammer

) and need some wisdom from ball historians concerning the markings on these old pieces:
a) Is it correct that, despite having a "true" core, the Faball balls only have the bull's eye-shaped CG marking, but no pin? It could be that the pin, if there had been one, was placed in one of the finger holes, but I cannot remember on other older Faball pieces to have seen one? I just want to be sure...
b) If this is the case, am I correct that the pin distance is simply 0", or close by?
Thanks a lot in advance for some enlightenment, I was just wondering.
My ebay specimen is drilled label, the bull's eye marker just in the palm of the previous owner's drilling. I'll probably stick with with it (spans are pretty close to mine) and just have the fingers plugged and adjusted, plus a thumb insert to replace the original thumb hole.
Best regards!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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