Equipment Boards => Faball => Topic started by: Spike2112 on September 18, 2002, 03:49:07 PM
Just curious if anyone throws Hammer equipment. Faball or ahem, Ebonite? I'm still carrying the Faball torch in my league and it's weird being the only ONE, at times, that throws a Hammer in a league of over 100 bowlers. I find myself even being ridiculed at times for it! Of course when I take all 3 games against the guy I'm up against, I have the last laugh... My current favorite is the 3-D Offset Maxxx. Rest of arsenal consists of Truck, Spike HPT, 3-D Violet Pearl, and a Black 2001. Still have my original Blue and a Red Pearl urethane, but I don't have a 6 ball roller, nor do I ever switch balls to ever justify bringing one! Imagine the ribbing I'd take if I brought 6 Faball Hammers to the lanes!
I've heard it doesn't make sense to stick to one ball company, but I guess I was sold back in the mid 80's when I bought my first Hammer- the original Black.
I'm currently avg. 221 and couldn't be happier with my game right now. Alot of summer practice (when it's the cheapest!) has really paid off, so I can't give ALL the credit to my choice of balls! Would love to try a "new" Hammer-Vicious or Blade, but just can't carry that many balls at once. Any Hammerheads like me still out there??? Comments, good or bad, welcome.
Still love my Violet 3D offset, Sledgehammer, not having much luck with the Violet 3D pearl. Had a reaper and liked it, Also had a lot of hit and reaction from my 4D reactive, also getting ready to try a nasty nail. Also like the looks of the Blade solid!
Control and HIT!
I have used a Wheel for the last few months. Absolutely the best ball
I have used. I recently acquired a Buzzsaw Cherry Pearl and put the
Wheel away. When the 'saw fails to work, the Wheel does the job.
Got my first hammer in 1988, red. Still rolling around in the garage.
Still a lot of older hammers being used in our house.
I am still a Hammer person. I didn't start bowling until the 90's so I missed out on the Hammer revolution, but I still learned to love them. My first two hammers were the Violet and Maxxx 3D's and I thought they were great. I sold them when I moved from 14lb to 15lb, but they are still two of my favorites and I can only hope to come accross them again.(also want to try a crimson red sledgehammer) While I throw a lot of Lane #1 stuff now I still find myself wanting to use the Hammer stuff. A few months ago, and thanks to Doug's Pro Shop, I added a Original Black Hammer to my arsenal for those dryer conditions. And most recently I purchased the new Hammer Diesel and I really think Ebonite did a good job. It is a strong ball that has a nice controllable arc to it.(that's why I use lane1) Although it does need some oil or it will burn up on you.
Anyway, I think Ebonite is doing a good job with the new Hammer stuff and hopefully they will be able to revive the name because to me when you think Hammer, you think bowling. They revolutionized the game with their urethanes and deserve to be around. And as you know...NOTHING HITS LIKE A HAMMER!!!
Long live Hammer!
Same here, I have the Sledgehammer and LOVE it. It is my first choice out of the bag and will work with it to find the line before giving up to another ball in the bag.
Hey govt45,
Don't give up on the new Hammers yet. You didn't say if it was the reactive Vicious or not and I don't know if you received any info on the Vicious before you purchased it, but if it is the reactive it was designed to be one the strongest skid/flip ball on the market it is going to be hard to get it to do anything but that. If you want one of the new hammers that will arc for you try the Diesel(the solid not the pearl) or the Vicious Particle. They are both designed to arc. The particle Vicious needs oil and is going to be more condition specific...and not that it matters, but it is one ugly ball. The Diesel is a med/heavy oil ball and is more versitle right out of the box. Anyway, just thought I would give a fellow HammerHead a little info. Hope it helps.
Edited on 9/19/2002 8:16 AM
There are a few floating around here that still use the older Fab stuff...I have an old Blue Nail at the house along with a "newer" (1990?) Blue Hammer along with a couple of Nasty Nail eXtreme's. It mostly sits at the house, though, since I am throwing another company at the moment.
Looked at the Pink Hammer's pchee had up for auction some time back, but they got too rich for my blood for the limited purpose they would have served.
The way I look at it is that it doesn't matter if others want to ridicule you for it if you are taking their money...who is laughing then
Hey everyone,
This is a great topic. Faball was THE company when I was first starting to bowl competitively. I started out with the blue pearl and progressed to the Dull Blue, 3D Hi Rev, and Crimson Sledge. I almost got my hands on the Sledge Limited, but I could not offer the seller the amount that he wanted for it. Anyhow, I think that Fab made some of the best balls that the game has ever seen. They were all very controllable, easy to read and hit like mack trucks. The only Hammer that remains in my arsenal is the Crimson Sledge. It is almost always my first ball out of the bag for typipcal house conditions, and the ball has just been amazing. I bought it used three years ago and the ball is still in perfect shape and reacts every bit as well as it did the day that I got it. I have not had the chance to throw any of the new stuff, but I only hope that Ebonite can live up to the reputation that the "real" Hammerheads have come to expect. I would love to get my hands on some of the original Hammer urethanes, they were all pretty good balls. Hammer was one of the best lines bowling has ever seen. Let's hope that Ebonite can step-up to the plate and keep it that way.
P.S. Michelle- Do you still use the Original Blue Nail? My father used one for years and would love to get his hands on another one. If it is simeply taking up room in your house I would love to take it off your hands. You can post or message me to let me know if you're interested.
Yes; I throw a red urethane Hammer.
Yep still out there with my blue pearl hammer from around 88 i think. its my go to ball for the mixed league i bowl in on sunday (avg.206 with it).
Still have my black hammer, and bring it with me whenever i go bowling.
Yes. I still throw my purple claw. Old reliabe. this balls is great on md-lgt. conditions
The new Hammer are selling like hot cakes on the internet and the shop
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
A guy in my club throws a Burgundy Hammer and he kills it. I'm looking for a blue hammer CHEAP. PM me if you need to make space lol.
I didn't mean to give you the wrong idea about why I didn't purchase the Sledge Limited. I realize
that the price wasn't too bad. However, I already have a bunch of balls and would only have been
purchasing the sledge limited out of curiosity, as I had no real clue what the ball was supposed to
do. That's why I didn't want to spend a lot of money, because I didn't really Need the ball. However,
I would still pick one up if the chance comes about.
I still throw my Blazing Violet 3D, and always carry my Black Hammer for spares. Also, I've been throwing the Nasty Nail Extreme lately. The Purple Pearl reactive Hammer was one of my favorites for a local center, but I don't use it much anymore. I may go ahead and purchase the Blade Pearl, just to give it a shot...I like control more than violent backend snap.
im going to be throwing a wheel after tomorrow
I am a second generation Hammerhead. I am pretty sure that I spent more time with my Father in a bowling alley than in church when I was a kid. My father always, and I mean always had at least two Hammers in his bag. I drifted away from bowling until two years ago. When I "got back to my roots" I threw a bunch of Columbia stuff. (the pro-shop pushed it as "the balls to have") I always remembered by Dad's red urethane Hammer. My first Hammer was the Spike. I just loved the way it hit! From that point on I was hooked. Here is the current Hammer inventory (all in 15 lbs):
Purple Nail NIB
Nasty Nail NIB
Brugandy Hammer - I just love this ball
New Hammer Vicious
Fire Claw - for spares
New Blade Pearl - just kills the pins on burnt lanes
3D Off Set Blazing Violet NIB
3D Off Set Maxx Deep Indigo NIB
Truck NIB
I like to keep a few NIB Hammers for a rainy day! I am a true Second Generation Hammerhead! My average has jumped 40 pins from last season. A lot of practice and a few new Hammers to the inventory.
I have thrown/still throw Hammers from time to time, more or less if the shot calls for it. I own a Ol' Blue (my first ball I owned then sold it and picked another one up), Had a Sledge Hammer, but sold it due to not ever throwing it anymore, and getting a Blade Pearl this week. I have seen one other throw the Blade it looks like another ball that will rip it up from Hammer. Seen several people throw the Vicious, but I think that is too much ball for me, unless I hit the soup, which rarely happens.
I bought a Black Hammer back in the early 80's when they first came out. Great ball, had many honors score with that old battle-axe. Always had a soft spot for Hammer. Owned that black, a purple urethane hammer, and a Navy reactive, then quit bowling for 3-1/2 years. I'm carrying mostly Columbia stuff, but I still have some Hammer equip that gets regular use.
OLD STUFF worth keeping:
1. Razor (either Berry or Ice Blue). Mild resin shell and high RG "go-long" core. There's always a use for a ball like that.
2. Hard urethane - either Black Hammer, Pink Hammer, or original Nail. These are good for torched lanes and can serve as "spare ball". No sense carrying a useless plastic pancake ball when you can have a spare ball with "pop".
3. Anything else? The only "post 1996" Hammer stuff I've thrown was a JackHammer. Good ball that gets down the lane well, but mine tracked up pretty quick. I turned it into a "house ball" when I changed my grip.
New Stuff:
I have so much Columbia equipment that I don't really need to augment, BUT, I did just order a Diesel. I like the thought of that red & black particle Truck with the super low RG core. I couldn't pass up a ball like that. If it ever arrives I'll post a review.
Bottom Line: Although the majority of my equipment is C300, I'm a 20 year "Hammer Head", and will keep an open mind. If EboHammernite puts out some worthy 2-piece equipement, I will probably buy some.
LOTS of people still throw hammers!
Although it isn't my main ball, I still use an OLD shiny red pearl hammer for spares (Can anyone tell me more about this ball please?).
The rest of my team uses lots of hammers too. One guy is usually throwing his blue 2001 for a strike ball. The other pulls out his truck from time to time. When they get scorched he has a blue hammer that he pulls out & I'm currently looking for a cheap burgandy hammer for the same purpose.
Hammer is alive & well here in Wisconsin.
There are still lots of people throwing hammers and once they get word of the new hammers there will be lots more. Example I have a left hander on my team who just bought the diesel pearl particle. He had it drilled up a little negative. Pin under his middle finger. That ball just hooked to much for him thursday night. Had another team mate that shot 179 his first game. His is a big storm and columbia freak. We were giving him a hard time about trying out the left handers diesel. He gave us this story about how hammer sucked and the last one that he had was the 3d series. So he finally agreed to use it in the second game. Before he threw his first ball his comment was "This ball scares me I'm afraid to throw hammer equipment again. He threw his first ball and smashed the pocket. In his first 5 shots he did not hit his mark once and before he knew it he had the first 5 strikes. Then he settled down and started hitting his mark consistantly. Final result 299!!!!! Got the last one a little inside. After that game his words. I will be purchasing a Hammer again shortly.... Hammers are back better than ever. I have not shot less than 675 with my diesel, blade pearl, vicious. Also had my highest game and series with my 3d offset super hook. 796, 299. LONG LIVE HAMMER!!!
I could never get any of the hammers i tried to work for me. They all just hit like garbage. It could be the fact i am a power player and most i see who throw these with success are strokers.
Smooth and big hitting!
I still use my trusty old Crimson Red Sledgehammer.
I'll shelve it for a while and then bring it out and it still makes me look better.
Still my number 1 ball!! Usable on many conditions of the medium variety.
Picked up a backup recently from Stevo!
Also still like my Violet 3D offset!
In our house the Diesel's are all of a sudden matching up great.
Particle, particle pearl and reactive all are in use and their users are loving them!!!
I kept and still used the 3D-Offset Tour Edition Black. The smoothest, controllable, and hardest hitting ball I've ever used. I wish I could get more of them. I also us a Diesel Particle Pearl and don't have a complaint about that one. Hard hitting, hooked and hit just as hard as an X-Factor with the same type of controlled snap in the backend.
The Perfect Fit Pro Shop
We are going to see 4 new hammers;
Vicious Attack
Turbo Diesel
Sling Blade
and the one I am waiting for... Red Pearl Urethane Hammer! Re-intro with a 3-piece core.
The Perfect Fit Pro Shop
I know g_thing and he does have 13 Hammers in his arsenal. I can say one thing, he has improved his game greatly in the year or so that I have known him and the balls have certainly been an influence on all of that. Thinking back, I have NEVER seen him use anything but a Hammer ball. Also, his knowledge of the older Faball hammers is amazing.
He is a true "Hammerhead".
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IM selling some balls soon and I thought to take out the 3d offset blazing violet to try it once more. Well I threw it last night and im keeping it. One of the most awsome balls hammer made. The lanes were medium oily and i had about 7 diffrent lines i was able to throw. When i throw that ball it takes no effort to get it to the pocket. It just feels so perfect to let that ball go and watch it shatter pins. I think its gonna be my first ball next season to break out of the bag. Im not even gonna buy a new ball
What a tenpin?? Where's the messengers?
Hi all. I'm going to have to retire my
BLUE 2001. It's a 16lb and I haven't
used it at league since the lanes were
resurfaced at my local centre about 8
months ago. Going from a 15lb back to
16lb caused me all sorts of probloms.
I will be staying with 15lb from now on.
I brought a crimson sledgehammer about
10 months ago and have read a lot of
positive reviews on the ball. I finally
got it drilled on friday to replace the
BLUE 2001 and can't wait to try it out.
Oh and I'm the only one in my league
that throws hammers.
Hey Brian, hook me up man. I still have access to some of the Blacks, Nails, Reds, Red Reactives, Navy Resins and a few others. Maybe we both can make a few $$$$ on the deal!!!!

Also have a 15# Crimson Sledge in primo condition for sale.
The old urethane Hammers are still out in force in our local house. The problem is that the oil pattern allows them to throw the ball and throw the ball successfully.
I have a friend using the new Blade Pearl and he's loving life. His 2 main balls are the Blade Pearl and polished Black urethane. He's a lefty with solid revs and slower speed so he needs the control on the backend.
And for it not making sense to stick to one company, I disagree. I have thrown all Storm for the last 2-3 seasons and was loving life. YOu learn the coverstocks, learn when they need resurfacing, learn the limitations of the cores etc. I have just recently switched to LAne 1 and notice the same thing...with the similar shape of the core and the predictability of their coverstocks, it makes ball changes much easier during tournies and leagues.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Think about it....pins are wood, lanes are wood...
the weapon of choice is obvious...
I bought my blue Hammer back in '94 and retired it when I went to 16# in '96. On the recommendation of my coach, I've switched nearly all my equipment to 15#. I brought out the old Blue Hammer at one house I bowl with dry backends. I couldn't keep anything else on the lanes.
There are a few Blue Hammers still being thrown in the leagues I bowl.
I have no life, therefore I bowl
or I bowl, therefore I have no life? Okay here is the truth I bowl, therefore there is life

Still a lot of older hammers being used in our house.
I see a lot of them still being used around here too
No cleaning being done on these old balls but they still seem to carry well
The Wonders family who was co-owners of Faball have started the Visionary company. I've switched almost exclusively to them. They make a quality ball and aren't like a bunch of the "ball of the month club" brands that are out there now.
If you are interested try and you can get some info on the company.
I have two Reapers that I use every week. I also have a vicious attack I use from time to time. In fact the Reaper has surplanted my Cell as the first ball out of my bag.
I'm currently useing an original black hammer urethane for when the lanes get goofey.I've recently shot games of 196,246,224 and 212 when my other stuff burns up in the heads,the ball is a beast!
The harder I try the harder they fall
I have a Nova Pearl that I just got NIB. Feels like it's going to be a nice control ball for late shifts.
The Ebonite-poured stuff hasn't impressed me much. I had a Big Deal but had trouble matching up with it.
I will say this, though: Come to our local bowling center and you will see more Black Widow Pearls than anything else and it's not even close. A lot of people flat-out kill with that ball.
i throw blue hammer 600 grit no polish
I have an original Blue Hammer with a classic label drilling in my arsenal as a dry lanes ball - excellent piece for this purpose!
Some senior bowlers in my region also still use their Faball Hammers, some are in outstanding shape.
DizzyFugu (http://"") - Reporting from Germany
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Some senior bowlers in my region also still use their Faball Hammers, some are in outstanding shape.
The senior bowlers or their balls?

DizzyFugu (http://"") - Reporting from Germany
Confused by bowling? Check out's vault of wisdom: the unofficial FAQ section (http://"")