I owned the Blue and Black Hammers, and they were awesome balls back in the 80s-early 90s.
The Blue was my heavy oil ball, and the Black was medium and light-medium. I recently took them out and practiced, and they still hit, just not enough ball for today's oil or volume of oil.
Like someone else wrote, the pin was maybe an inch, or 2 max from the CG. It was more about changing surface if you had to, than static weights back then.
The only other thing I remember, and I'm trying to remember the justification my youth coach said at the time, but with straight up and down being over the poles of the core, the ball would effectively have to flip on its side during its roll, otherwise, the drill would be more perpendicular to the bulb of the core.
However, if you took the layout that you had, and flipped it 90 degrees, to where it was in line with the bulb of the core, you'd get a better roll out of the ball.
With the Blue Hammer being my first HP ball, my 15 year old naive self believed it, and had the PSO punch up my ball that way, with 3/8 side weight. Best rolling ball I've had, and followed that up with the same layout on my Blue Pearl Hammer.
That coach had to have been right about that layout, because those are still in my bag, with that same layout, with the only change being to add a thumb slug in where the original drill had none.