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Author Topic: Is this just a blue pearl hammer?  (Read 1828 times)


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Is this just a blue pearl hammer?
« on: January 28, 2010, 05:24:45 AM »
FAmily member has been looking to replace their original Blue Pearl Hammer. This ball sure looks identical in cover and I dont ever recall them releasing a pearl Nail. I still have the original Nail with the bluish green tint.

Anyone have ideas on it?

"Take the time to do it right and it takes less time" Pat Parelli
"Take the time to do it right and it takes less time" Pat Parelli



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Re: Is this just a blue pearl hammer?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2010, 01:43:47 PM »
Probably right about the reaction
"Take the time to do it right and it takes less time" Pat Parelli
"Take the time to do it right and it takes less time" Pat Parelli