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Author Topic: Purple Hammer 1995  (Read 20638 times)


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Purple Hammer 1995
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:10:00 PM »
Does anyone have the spec's for this ball. I want to refinish to original spec's. First reactive resin ball hammer made.
Thanks in advance.



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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2010, 03:13:08 AM »
The first Hammer reactive was dark navy blue - not purple. The first purple hammer was urethane - it was somewhere between the black hammer and the urethane blue hammer in reaction. I believe the Hammer Nova came out in 1995 - that was purple and had the Hammerthane reactive coverstock - it is not as aggressive as today's covers - maybe more like a Brunswick Powerkoil 17.


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 11:20:32 AM »
I pulled up the old 1996 Lichstein Ball Guide and there was a Purple reactive Hammer back in '96. It came polished and had a bulb core.


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2010, 12:49:37 PM »
The first hammer was purple I had one when they came out I remember it well
very disapointed with it


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2010, 04:46:39 PM »
No - you are incorrect. The first Hammer reactive was not purple - it was the Navy reactive - see excerpt below from Lichstein's 1994 Ball Guide:

Navy Reactive Hammer(3)         14          Reactive(75-78)    

New pancake weight block reactive enables ball to skid through
the heads easilly.  Used on Tour by high revolution players and those with
slower speed for medium to light oil.  NEW

The ONLY purple ball listed in the '94 Guide was urethane:

Purple Hammer(3)                 9          Urethane(76-78)  

Designed to get through dry heads, but has stronger back-end
reaction than Blue Hammer.

The very first mention of a Purple reactive ball from Faball was in the 1996 Ball Guide:

Purple Reactive Hammer (3) 14 Reactive 2-piece The polished reactive cover stock is paired with a bulb-shaped core of an even strong-driving hook.

There was another purple reactive listed as "new" in 1996 which was the Nova that I mentioned earlier:

Nova Reactive Hammer
*NEW* (3) 15+ Hammerthane 3-piece This deep purple, high flare potential model sports a sanded 320-grit finish on Faball's most aggressive cover stock. Ball features a dual-density core and is scheduled for a January '96 debut.

Hope that clears it up???

OH - and I'm glad I had a reason to reread these old files - I finally know now why I hated my Navy Blue reactive Hammer - the core sucked. I didn't know that at the time and just assumed it had the same core as all the other urethane hammers. Caveat Emptor.


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 05:13:01 PM »
So - your 1995 purple hammer is most likely the late 1995 version with a bulb core and a mild reactive coverstock. Probably a little less aggressive than the original Nail reactive - a light oil ball at best by today's standards. I would just drill it over the label with the pin out a bit and see how it reacts. If it has any movement down lane keep it as a light-medium control ball. If it doesn't move much or at all polish it up and use it as a "retro" spare ball. It's bound to hit better than a plastic pancake ball anyway... I know my Nail Pearl was a hard hitter - I think my last 800 came with one of those.


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2010, 04:28:52 PM »
Is there a way to get a Lichstein's guide anywhere online or other places?  I'm interested in the stats it has for each of the urethane hammers (black/red/blue/purple/burgundy/red pearl/blue pearl).  I have each of these, and the information you gave about the purple alone was more than I have heard before.  Would be nice to know each of the balls original descriptions of characteristics.  If you have access, could you post the information out of it for each of those hammers, maybe the pink one too, although doubting I'll ever buy it since hard urethane and sounds like it goes super straight even on dry lanes.


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2010, 07:29:31 PM »
they may have called it navy  but mine was very purple


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2010, 08:10:14 PM »
I will post it if it fits. Stay tuned...


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2010, 09:00:00 PM »
I haven't thrown the Pink Hammer but I have thrown the urethane Nail recently as a spare ball. It is a DART. I'm told it has the same HARD urethane composition as the Pink Hammer. It's just a more manly color.
They make excellent spare balls 'cuz they slide like plastic in any kind of oil but will move a board or two on the house shot dry boards on the edge - which is a very good thing when shooting a ten pin.


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2010, 11:11:10 PM »
Very cool, thanks for posting that, seems like more information than anywhere else I've looked on the older Faball urethane balls.  It's so weird that the Red Urethane Hammer is not listed and never is talked about much anywhere, I've never seen a description of what the Red Hammer was supposed to do that's official (unofficial answers are that it hooks more than the Black hammer, but not in relation to the other urethane hammers ever or where it fits in with them all).  I guess maybe the Red Hammer just hooks more than the Black Hammer, but always curious if there's any more details than that.


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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2010, 12:41:06 AM »
I saved those files a long time ago - I knew someone would want to see them again. That''''s all I threw back in the 80''''s and early 90''''s - Faball urethane (except for the Navy Blue which I never really liked)

My experience from my usage and observation was that during its era - the urethane Red Hammer was kind of like the Purple urethane hammer when dull but the Red Hammer polished up easier, and when polished was a bit more ball than the polished Black Hammer.
Based on the year of release, "smell", and reaction I think the Red Hammer was just a softer version of the original Black Hammer, so that''''s why it would polish up better easier than the Blue or Purple.
I think the Blue and Purple were similar except that the Purple was a bit harder so it wasn''''t as heavy an oiler as the blue - although I really liked my Purple.
I bought a Navy reactive and hardly used it and preferred the purple and original black - probably cuz I was only bowling in one center then and there was no way I needed an "oiler" in that house.

OH - and I did buy the Maroon hammer and I hated it - actually I ended up buying two but they both cracked! It was too strong in my house when dull - and it sucked when polished - if you could call it polished - I never had much luck getting any kind of look with that ball. I quit bowling for 3-1/2 years after that, and when I started up again in the late 90''s it was time to forget urethane and learn the reactives, but that''s a story for another day.

Edited on 4/1/2010 0:43 AM

Edited on 4/1/2010 0:50 AM

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2010, 08:58:30 AM »
I was just a kid when these balls were truly in their glory, but I still managed to throw a few of them (Blue Pearl, Dull Blue, Nail). Also, when these were out, my local pro shop had an info sheet that covered all the balls they carried. The sheet described each ball's physical appearance and assigned it a hook rating on a scale of 1-10. Here's what I remember about the ratings of the old Hammers:

Burgundy 10
Purple 10
Dull Blue 9
Red 8
Black 8
Blue Pearl 5
Red Pearl 5
Pink 4

Now, obviously, that doesn't exactly paint a highly technical picture of what these balls were all about, but I will say that from seeing all of them roll down a lane, I think it was fairly representative of their respective strengths.

Another funny note was that there were only two balls on the pro shop list that had hook ratings of 1, the C300 Blue Dot and the Fab Nail. I know the common thought is that the Nail was a Pink Hammer with a different color and logo, but that's now how that list saw it. lol
Bowling bad since 1979 with no end in sight

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2010, 11:38:27 AM »
Yeah, I remember a friend of mine punching the original navy reactive, and it wasn't anything too special. To be honest, very few of Hammer's early reactives were well received. I don't think they really got too strong a following until the 3Ds.
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Re: Purple Hammer 1995
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2010, 12:08:05 PM »
The bowlers that like the original blue reactive tended to be guys with a lot of hand. The fact that it was so mild made it one of my favorite at the time.The purple for me reminded me of my Beast
Arsenal: Mega Friction,Mega Recovery,Break Point,Break,Sideways,Clutch,Clutch Pearl,Maniac,Awakening,Lunatic,Heist Pearl,SX-1,Link,Hype urethane,Desperado,Global Globe, 14# golden globe
Current arsenal

Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift