Equipment Boards => Faball => Topic started by: bgh on March 09, 2007, 01:41:08 AM
SKJ: Friday 03.09.07 post: Ball Reaction - Good Bowling Balls Stand the Test of Time (http://"")
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RADs Blog (http://"")
Amen to that, KX! I won the 2004 Georgia State Champioship (Singles 772 and All-Events) with a Blue Hammer. I think I threw my Champions Ultimate Weapon a total of five frames? I loves me some Blue Hammer!
No, my name is not Prince and I'm not particularly funky.
Remember when lefty Brett Wolfe in 2002 beat the crap out another lefty Dennis Horan at the Masters with a Blue Hammer in Reno? 269-172. Horan couldn't find anything with his Storm arsenal....Wolfe with his old Blue Hammer stepped on him and ran away. Only time I believe an amateur has won the Masters.
FYI......Visionary's Wonders nee Hammer still have some of the thickest covers in bowling ball manufacture.
Good blog KeglerX. I still have some of my old Hammers and will never get rid of them.
One of the main reasons I will still keep older stuff is because of the shell and cracking I've had with the newer Hammer stuff made by Ebonite.
I believe it's 3 balls I've had cracks in that were new ones out of who knows how many....but none for the older Fab stuff and I've had a lot more of those.
-------------------- down the toilet one nugget at a time!! 
g thing is back....with a vengeance!!