A bunch of used balls for sale, various brands and weights. Got these through a large purchase and do not know the history of them. I did my best to describe them, if you have any questions feel free to message me. Prices are not firm, all balls are welcome to offers,
shipping IS NOT included. Some ball will be offer for a low price and do not want to lose money because of shipping.
Did my best to get the exact weight, number after decimal is the oz, for example 14.7 is 14 lbs and 7 oz. (16oz to a pound).
Span is an approximation, give or take for the ring finger being a tiny bit shorter.
Pictures are in link:
http://s9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/chuongerz/BowlingFS2/14.7 Teal Rhino Pro - span 4 5/8 - LH - Thumb Moved, small plugged job on gashes -
$4013.15 Fab Hammer Blue/Green? - span 4 1/2 - 2nd drilled, engraved with LTH, I believe this is a faded blue hammer, correct me if I'm wrong.
$3515 Fab Hammer Burgundy - span 4 1/8 - SD
$5014.11 Hammer Nasty Nail - span 4 - SD engraved KIM
$2515.7 Columbia Action Packed - span 4 - SD
$2513.10 Columbia Wicked - span 4 1/4 - SD
$2514.8 Columbia EGO - span 4 1/2 - SD
$2515.8 Ebonite Big Time - span 4 - 2nd drilled
$1514.12 Morich LevRG - span 4 - SD
$2514.11 Brunswick Fury - span 4 3/8 - SD
$2512.10 Track The Hex (1) - span 4 1/4 - SD bridged cracked
$1513.12 Track The Hex (2) - span 3 3/4 - SD bridged cracked
$1514.4 Lane 1 Dirty Bomb - span 4 3/4 - 2nd drill LH
$2514.3 Storm Soccer ball (1) - span 4 1/2 - bridge cracked, small gash -
$1514.15 Storm Soccer ball (2) - span 4 1/8 - bridged cracked -
$1514.15 Columbia White Dot Blue/Red - 4 - SD
Make Offer14.12 Columbia White Dot Black/Gold - 3 3/4 - Fingers moved
Make Offer14 Rhino Spare Ball - span 4 1/2 - SD
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