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Author Topic: WTB 15lb NIB or single drill (RH) Storm Pitch Black urethane  (Read 616 times)

Gene J Kanak

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WTB 15lb NIB or single drill (RH) Storm Pitch Black urethane
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:01:00 AM »
The title pretty much tells the tale. I'd like to pick up a 15lb Storm Pitch Black urethane ball. NIB would be fine, but you'd have to be on par or better than Buddies' price if I'm going to buy. If it's used, I want RH single drill. I have quite a few balls to offer up in trade, and I'd even consider doing multiples. Message me or text 815.919.4209 if you can help me out on this.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 11:45:49 AM by Gene J Kanak »