14# SuperSonic...LH lev...single drill...4gms...2"pin...$45 shipped
14# V2 Dry....LH Lev...single drill...spare ball....$30 shipped
15# Animal....RH Axis-Lev...single drill..15gms..2-3pin..bridge crack..$60 shipped
16# Uranium...LH Label shift....single drill...6gms...3" pin...$70 shipped...SOLD to WS5580
Msg me here if interested.
Umm....Walter Ray....its customary to hand over your wallet AFTER I beat you. Its not like we haven't been through this a hundred times.
Edited on 9/23/2004 7:49 AM
Edited on 9/23/2004 5:55 PM
Edited on 9/24/2004 8:16 AM
Edited on 9/25/2004 9:18 AM