Brunswick Ultimate Inferno 14#
Pin under ring, c/g 3/4" rt. no balance hole, very good condition, $55.00
shipped. PENDING
Track Freakazoid 14#
Pin under ring, c/g 3/4" rt. no balance hole, very good condition, $45.00
shipped. SOLD
Dynothane Thing #14
Pin under ring, c/g left of center (1/4 oz. neg.) 2 small nicks, good
condition $40.00 shipped. PENDING
All balls span approx. 4 1/4-4 3/8 single drill rt., vacu grips and thumb slug.
Would consider trade, all 3 balls for 1 nib 14# Morich.
Edited on 11/6/2004 12:26 PM
Edited on 11/6/2004 5:03 PM