all one drill,cut to cut 4 1/2" all have thumb slug
and finger insert.
brunswick smokin inferno box spec. 14lb. 3oz 1-2" pin 2.6oz top
drill pin under ring finger cg stack.less then 10 games
will trade for a 14 or 15lb rs-p,rs-x or a storm fired up
brunswick ultimate inferno box spec. 14lb 4oz 3-4" pin 3.2oz top (Traded)
drill pin over ring finger cg stack.less then 10 game
brunswick eliminator box spec. 14.17lb 2-3" pin 3.1 oz top
drill pin right of ring finger cg stack.25 game cover scoff
with green scott brite.
NIB Raging Red Fuze box spec. 14.17lb 4" pin 3.7oz top
taking offers.
shipping from 95127 pm me with offers
can sent pics. pm me with e-mail address.
Edited on 11/29/2005 4:32 PM
Edited on 12/6/2005 9:58 PM