Let me get this straight, seeing that I'm a joke and all, I'm within $10 of buddiesproshop on a new pair of shoes, and this is how I'm treated? I don't believe that I'm trying to rip anyone off. And you can surely bet that if you've ever got a piece of merchandise for sale on this site that I provide each and every low cost alternative to your item. I've probably conducted business with 60 people on this site and each and every one of them will tell you that I was fair with my pricing, accurate with my product description(if used equipment), reasonable with shipping, and provided UPS tracking numbers immediately after shipping. Buddiesproshop has proven to be a very reputable and competiviely priced online distributor. If I'm within $10 of what they'd sell a pair of shoes for, I think that most people would, at the every least, give me the benefit of the doubt and consider purchasing these shoes. After all, if buddies and bowling.com are the only sites that you can find that are cheaper, that's not all that bad.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.