15# Track Mojo - 2nd drill
15# Track Spell - 2nd drill
15# Storm X-Factor Reloaded - 2nd drill
15# Neotac Khameleon - moved fingers and thumb a bit from 1st drill
15# Hammer Sling Blade - same as Khameleon
14# Ti-Messanger (Bonanza blem)
NIB 15# Ebonite Snuffy
NIB 15# GP2 (Bonanza blem)
Shipping is from 14853 if interested in including shipping in price.
I'm just putting out feelers for what people offer, etc. So if you are interested, make an offer, no matter how small or large! If you want to know the specs on the balls (I'm pretty sure all drilled balls are 3-4 pin) I'll get you pics if you inquire...
Thanks guys!
Edited on 3/30/2005 6:39 PM
Edited on 3/30/2005 6:40 PM