I have a few balls for sale. prices are flexable. make an offer. All balls are 4 1/2" span with finger inserts and a thumb slug.
#15 Full Throttle: 2 games drilled stacked leverage. 95 shipped or will tade for fairly new Ultimate Inferno.
#15 International Red Alert 5: Drilled Label with 15 games on it. Thumb was plugged once for pitch changes and drilled back through. 65 shipped.
#15 Original Gold Helix. 20 games. Drilled for a high- med tracking player. 65 shipped
# 15 Matrix conquest: 25 games. Drilled stacked leverage with a 7/8 side weight awesome for sport lane conditions. 65 shipped.
#15 AMF Ninja(purple w/ pink labels) Single drilled with 15 games. drilled label. 35 shipped.
Robert McPheron
If I would have won something good, I would put it here.
Edited on 6/17/2004 10:00 PM
Edited on 6/17/2004 10:01 PM