15 lb Tour Trauma single drill, 4 1/2 span grips and a thumb slug. Pin is under the fingers and the cg is stacked. Very strong ball, I do not know the core or cover on it.
15 lb Tour Epx T-1 This is the white pin version, very low games, 4 1/2 span ball is drilled 3 3/8 stacked. Goes a little longer then the regular version. Has grips and a thumb slug.
Both balls has under 15 games, looking to get some Morich for them but does not have to be just morich. Looking for a real good trade for the EPX, and for the Tour Truama just needs to be something single drilled.
Edited on 9/19/2005 2:03 PM
Edited on 9/20/2005 9:08 AM
Edited on 9/20/2005 3:34 PM