Hi it's Ed I have some used 15lbs 12oz and 15lbs 0oz balls for sale drilled one time and only has less then 5 games on them for sale I will take any offers I have to sell the balls you will have to pay for the shipping
14lbs 2oz storm wipeout
Brunswick Vintage Johnny Petraglia LT-48
15lbs 0oz lane 1 stealth bomber test ball with only 2 games on it
15lbs 0oz Hammer Purple Taboo 2 games on it
15lbs 0oz Hammer Deadly Aim 4 games on it Motiv Primal tv4 2 Motiv primal rage
Motiv Intent Cruel 15lbs 0oz Motiv Sigma Hybrid 3 games on it
900 global bullet train
Brunswick Aura
Track emb x/f
Morich Perpetual Motion
Roto-Grip Defiant
Roto-Grip Shooting Star
Dv8 maruder
Storm Modern Marvel
Storm Tropical Heat
Storm Don Carter Major 52
Storm Marvel
Storm IQ Solid Red/Purple "SOLD" P.S. Must sell the balls I will take any offers but you will have to pay the shipping Thank You Ed