What condition is the ball in? Does it have any nicks, scratches, goughes, etc and how many games on the ball?
1. Has the Pro Purple been plugged?
2. What is the PIN size?
3. What is the total span or cut to cut span?
4. RH drill or LH drill?
5. How is the ball layed out? (Pin and CG positions)
I have an Inferno that I "might" consider trading, with a 3" Pin drilled RH 3 1/2 x 3 with Pin beside and slightly below ring finger and CG kicked out right about 1/2" further than that. Cut to cut span is 4 1/16 x 4 3/16. Ball has been plugged to move thumb amd fingers 1/16". the plugs don't show. About 30 games on the ball. No scratches or gouges. Ball looks new.
In the old days, they used axes to chop up wood...Nowadays, they use "BUZZSAWS".