I am dropping to 14lb. and would be willing to sell or trade the following:
15lb. Storm X-Factor Deuce drilled 3 3/8x 3 3/8 with less than 10 games on it with single drill. Mint Condition and never altered surface. $85 shipped
15lb. Storm El-Nino Gold with 3-4 pin. Single drill in mint condition with less than 20 games on it. $75 shipped
15lb. Ebonite Savage with approx. 3in. pin. Great shape with less than 40 games on it with single drill. $50 shipped
14lb. Columbia Spirit single drill with thumb shift. Less than 25 games. $45 shipped
15lb. Brunswick Zone Blue Sapphire (Original). Colormatch plugged. Old faithful. $40 shipped
Also have a pair of 9 1/2 RH ABS Tour Deluxe 2600 series with less than 5 games on them. All soles, heels, shoe bags, etc included plus Dyno-Thane extra Adjust a heel for more slide bought directly from Dyno-Thane after 2 games. Shoes are Black w/ gold. $100 shipped.
Will consider trades for 14lb. equipment, especially Lane 1 and possibly a Dyno-Thane Vendetta solid. I can be contacted by message here or ChiefChuckee@aol.com.
ATTENTION ALL BUZZSAW HATERS! Here is your golden opportunity to shut your mouth, bring your money, and add to my Buzzsaw arsenal by losing like the rest.
Edited on 9/16/2003 10:49 AM
Edited on 10/7/2003 4:38 PM