NOW $125.00 SHIPPED Paypal or M.O. either one now.
I just got this 4-ball bag. Great chance for a brunswick fan to get a new bag at a great price. It's the blue and black brunswick 2004 model this is a brand new bag and was just purchased by me. I didn't realize Lane#1 was going to make 4-ball rollers and that is the only reason I am getting rid of it. I have only had this bag for 1 week.
https://www.buddiesproshop.com/product.asp?id=523&back=%2Flist%2Easp%3FproductType%3D3%26manID%3D4Here is a picture and price at buddies, his price is $137.00 plus shipping. I will sell it for $125 shipped it is mint almost brand new. I have had many successful deals on here just ask if needed.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.Edited on 7/26/2004 9:00 PM
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