I have this ball up for trade or for sale. Heres the specs.
15 Lbs
LH Single Drilled
15 Games on it
No grips, Black Slug
Span = 5"
Nothing wrong with the ball just not what I wanted it for.
Lightly used, no scratches etc. on it
Drilled Stacked Leverage, No weight hole
Would give the cover a 9.8
Also Have a 15 Lb Black Widow Bite
LH Single Drilled
20 games on it
No Grips, Black Slug
Span= 5"
No marks at all on the ball, it is in great condition, has been cleaned after every session and only used on newer synthetics.
Drilled Skid/Flip, no weight hole
Would give the cover a 9
Just cant do pics because I dont have a digital camera, I have the transactions I have done in my profile if you want to check on me, ball will be shipped double boxed via UPS.
Would do a ball plus cash trade or the 2 balls for a NIB Cell Pearl, Dimension, Global 900 Link (Purple and Blue) or a Red/Black Bash With good specs.
or would sell for the right price, for selling send me your zip code and will give a price shipped, or offer a price + actual shipping.
480 rpms
Average 220+
http://ebonite.com/BOWL TO WIN!
Edited on 12/8/2008 11:50 AM
Edited on 12/8/2008 6:41 PM
Edited on 12/9/2008 11:36 PM
Edited on 12/9/2008 11:40 PM
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Edited on 12/10/2008 8:42 PM