I have a bunch of balls to get rid of. they are all 15lb and are in great condition. send me offers. and message for pictures
Brunswick : single drill meanstreak, span is 4 5/8 to middle finger and 4 11/16 to ring
Columbia: Violent Eruption s/d, span is 4 5/8 middle and 4 3/4 ring
Columbia: violent eruption s/d span is 4 3/8 middle and 4 1/2 ring
DV8: marauder s/d span is 4 5/8 middle and 4 11/16 ring
Ebonite: pursuit s/d span is 4 5/8 middle and 4 3/4 ring
Ebonite: pursuit-s s/d span is 4 5/8 middle and 4 3/4 ring
Ebonite: pursuit-s fully plugged
Hammer: arson pearl s/d span is 4 1/4 middle and 4 3/8 ring
Hammer: original balck widow. fingers moved once. span is 4 3/8 middle and 4 1/2 ring
Storm: modern marvel single drill
Storm: mighty shift. fully plugged
let me know if you are interested or want pictures. to reach me easier email me at t.micieli@yahoo.com