I've got a 15# Lane #1 Super Carbide Bomb for sale. It's just over a year old and is in exceptional condition. Ball is thoroughly cleaned after each use. It has a current span of 4 & 3/4" on both fingers, 63/64ths(1/8" under,1/4" back) thumb grip, 25/32nds middle finger insert(1/8th under), 3/4" ring finger insert(1/8" under). Thumb hole moved ever-so-slightly to lenghten my own span. I'm just looking to liquidate some inventory and freshen my arsenal. Assuming you don't in the far reaches of the earth, I'm looking for $100 plus actual UPS Ground shipping(around $10-14). If you'd like to use paypal, that's cool, simply add $3. Checks or money orders are accepted with one week to allow for your check to clear. I have an excellent rating with several of the members on this website. Most recently, Lion95. Others include curly and SrKegler.
Thanks for looking,
Not all great shots result in strikes and not all strikes are great shots.