Hi everyone.
I have my league bag pretty set, and don't intend to bowl a lot of tournaments, so I've decided to sell off all my excess equipment. All of the following are SD, 15#, span 4 1/4 x 4 5/16 with grips and a thumb slug, unless otherwise noted. Prices include shipping, and most are flexible - feel free to make an offer. West coast please add $5 for shipping.
Pictures can be found here:
http://s1072.photobucket.com/user/Cristobel31/library/Bowling%20Balls?sort=3&page=1Hammer First Blood $80 shipped PendingHammer Jet Black Taboo (CG Stacked) - 1.5 Drill (Thumb moved for span change) $40 shipped PendingHammer Jet Black Taboo (CG Right) - 2nd Drill (this ball is beat up. Fingers plugged and redrilled in same spot, thumb was plugged previously for span change) $25 shipped
16# Storm X-Factor Ace (big number of games, but still has life. gouged above fingers (see picture), does not affect roll) $20 shipped
Thanks for looking.