All the prices below include shipping. There is a link at the bottom for photobucket for pictures of everything. If interested in more than one please pm and we will make better deal. I would be willing to sell everything for really cheap if anyone was interested.
811A-NEW $120
-- Balls below have span of M 4-5/16 R 4-1/4 NO INSERTS 1-1/4 thumb mold drilled at 0/0 Finger holes are 21/32
250K 45 games $45
Hell Raiser 0 games $75
Arson 10 games $50
-- Balls below have spend of M 4-1/2 R 4-7/16 NO INSERTS SG Thumb drilled 0/0. Finger holes drilled 11/16 and 21/32
Ransom 40 games $40
Freeze 5 games $30
Pure Physics 10 games $50
WD 50 games $20
Ransom 45 games $40
Full Swing 60 games $45