I would rather trade this one than sell it. The ball has been fully plugged once (except weight hole) but was re-drilled in the same spot as close as possible.
There is but just a sliver of plug left at the fingers, but the thumb had a switch-grip in it and when I re-drilled it, it left a decent size portion of the plug. Plugwork was done well, just shows.
Cover looks as new as it possibly can, it only has a TOTAL of 10-15 games on it MAX. It is drilled pin below bridge on centerline and the p.s.a. in the strong position and the weighthole on the intersection of the midline and the v.a.l. Middle finger=4 3/8 cut-to-cut, Ring finger=4 1/2 cut-to-cut. Drilled for finger inserts and a thumbslug
This ball is really in great shape. I would keep it, but being plugged once already and still being drilled wrong for me, I thought I would try to find someone who could use it drilled this way with only some minor adjustments.
Asking price is $25+shipping, but like I said, would like to trade it for something in like condition. I'm oper to lots of different balls and a list would be too long, so if you are interested, just make me an offer, o.k.?