Have the following for sale or trade. Will talk about trades for Brunswick or Track. Looking for an Absolute Inferno, Impulse Zone, or Track Xception. Will trade and add cash if needed.
Here are the details.
Roto Grip Sonic X - 15lb - Pin under ring, cover is in great shape. 1st drilling. Span is about 4 5/8. $45 shipped.
Roto Grip Silver Streak Pearl - 15lb - Pin under bridge, cover is in great shape. First drilling on fingers, but thumb has been moved 3X. Span is 4 5/8. $40 shipped.
Columbia Cuda/C - 16lb - Yes, the original Cuda. Pin outside ring finger. Has seen many games, but cover is still in good shape. 1st drilling. Span is about 4 3/4. $20 shipped.
Burgundy Quantum - 16lb - Pin is under bridge. Cover is in good shape. 2nd drilling. Some bad plugging near the balance hole where original thumb was at. $20 shipped.
Target Zone - 16lb - Cover is in good shape. First drilling. Span about 4 5/8 $20 shipped
Let me know if there are any offers and maybe we can work out something.
Edited on 4/21/2005 11:59 AM
Edited on 4/23/2005 8:57 PM
Edited on 4/25/2005 8:34 PM