This is as low as they will go! Here is what I have for sale/trade(all 16lb), condition out of 10 is beside ball. All drilled right handed, 4 11/16ths span. I'll trade for almost anything, just let me know how the ball is drilled in your message so I'll know if I'll have to plug it or not.
Everything $25 shipped, can't beat that
Critical Mass(1 full plug + 1 finger plug) 7/10
-pin under ring, c.g slightly kicked right, weighthole
Track Magic(1 full plug) 7/10
-pin under ring, c.g slightly kicked right, weighthole
Mutant Bonanza(fingers plugged once, drilled into same spot. Bonanza label because there's no marked mass bias) 8.5/10
-pin next to ring, c.g kicked out, big weighthole
Nitro R2(plugged once, chip in palm) 6/10
-pin 2 inches to the right of the ring finger, c.g under pin, with weighthole
-DJ Marshall
"Repetition beats luck everytime"
Edited on 2/27/2004 12:37 PM
Edited on 2/29/2004 6:48 PM