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Author Topic: 15s--Thing Lives, X-Factor Pro, Reaper, Target Zone  (Read 395 times)

Gene J Kanak

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15s--Thing Lives, X-Factor Pro, Reaper, Target Zone
« on: February 01, 2005, 12:24:16 AM »
Hey everyone,

The construction of my all-Hammer arsenal is nearly complete. Here is what I've got to offer for sale or trade:

15lb DT Thing Lives
Single Drill (RH)
Grips, thumbs sleeve, weight hole
Pin right of ring, cg kicked right
Coverstock in very good shape
Low games
$70 shipped

15lb X-Factor Pro (overseas-XXX cover with original RAD core)
Pro Pin
Thumb Plugged 1X to stretch span, good work and color match
Grips, no sleeve, weight hole
Pin above bridge, cg right of thumb, RAD stacked shortly below
Coverstock in good shape, a few scratches, nothing really major
$65 shipped

15lb Fab Reaper 2
Plugged and redrilled 1X, good work and color match
Grips, sleeve, don't think there's a weight hole, but will check
Pin below bridge, cg just off center line
Coverstock in good shape, a few scratches, nothing major
$45 shipped

15lb Target Zone
Plugged and redrilled 1X, excellent work and color match
Grips, no sleeve, no weight hole
Drilled straight over the label
Coverstock is excellent
$30 shipped

Sorry, no camera for pics. I'll let my many transactions on this site vouch for my rep of providing quality gear. If you don't like the prices, make offers, but be reasonable. The only trades that I'd be looking for would be for 15lb Hammer gear, or for quality 14lb stuff (from any manufacturer) for the wife. Message or post with interest.

I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 315 : )