So once school starts, I'll be able to get new equipment for cheap. I haven't bowled THAT much this summer, so it doesn't make sense for me to spend 100+ on a new ball right now, or to overspend on a used ball. However, I'm in dire need of a higher end/mid range pearl ball that flips for a couple of tournaments next month. Everything in my bag right now is smooth or rolly.
I'm open to trying any company, and the ball can be discontinued or current. I just ask that it meets all/most of the following:
-I only want to plug and redrill the thumb, instead of the whole ball. This would mean it must be drilled for finger grips, not conventional.
-The ball must have a layout with the pin about an inch/inch and a half above bridge/middle for a righty (I'd also look at lefty drilled balls in which I would be able to keep the layout)
-Must be 15 pounds
-No weight hole.
-If it has a mass bias, I'd prefer it be no more than 2 inches right of the thumb.
The span doesn't have to be the same, but anything in the neighborhood 4 inches cut to cut might be given extra consideration.
I'm not looking to spend much on this, considering I'll only be using it through September. Chances are I'll end up reselling it or giving it away after that. I'd listen to any offers for stuff that has had some plugwork or minor, repairable damage, as long as the cover is in good shape and it has a low game count.
If you have anything you're looking to sell or get rid of for cheap, please send me a message with the layout/condition and your price shipped to 11758. I don't have much to trade besides a few plugged balls and a mint Tropical Heat Pearl. Thanks!