The ZC has average specs, 2-3 pin and 2-3 top weight. Exacts available on request. I liked the BD, but haven't used it since I got my V2 Power. The Big Deal is 15 pounds 4 oz, 3 1/4 oz top weight, 3-4 " pin. The pin is above ring and there is a weight hole. I THINK it's 4 1/8th cut to cut, though that could be off. I know I have small hands! It's drilled for inserts. Here are the balls I would be interested in. The ZC I'm more flexible on, as it's just taking up space, but I won't trade the BD for anything less than one of the following, preferably NIB or similarly lightly used. (under 20 games):
Zone Classic Green Pin
Original Inferno
Track Slash
V2 Sanded
Absolute Inferno